Mostrando ítems 1-10 de 75
On the "missing Letter" to lattes and the nobel prize in Physics
(Centro Brasileiro de Pesquisas FísicasBrasil, 2015-08)
We briefly discuss the myth of a possible missing letter from Bohr to Lattes and show the only content of the Bohr archives concerning the Brazilian physicist. We also analyze and discuss the Nobel Prize in Physics Nominations ...
A biographical sketch of Albert Szent-Gyorgyi
(Sociedad Médica de Santiago, 2015)
Albert Szent-Gyorgyi was a Hungarian biochemist and physiologist. He identified the structure and
function of vitamin C, naming it as ascorbic acid. His research on cellular respiration and oxidation
provided the basis ...
A biographical sketch of albert szent-györgyi La vitamina C y algo más. Un premio Nobel poco conocido en Chile
(Sociedad Medica de Santiago, 2015)
© 2015 Sociedad Medica de Santiago. All rights reserved. Albert Szent-Györgyi was a Hungarian biochemist and physiologist. He identified the structure and function of vitamin C, naming it as ascorbic acid. His research on ...
A colaboração premiada e a violação dos direitos e garantias fundamentais
(Universidade Federal do Rio de JaneiroBrasilFaculdade Nacional de DireitoUFRJ, 2019)
La Interveción del Juez de Investigación Preparatoria en la etapa de postulación para colaborador eficaz
(Universidad Científica del PerúPE, 2023-10-07)
La presente investigación tuvo como principal fin analizar las deficiencias que aún persisten en la figura procesal de colaborador eficaz, que se encuentra regulado en el Código Procesal Penal - Libro V – Procesos especiales, ...
The Colombian scientific elite—Science mapping and a comparison with Nobel Prize laureates using a composite citation indicator
A well-established agenda on the research output, impact, and structure of global scientific elites such as Nobel Prize laureates has generated interest in the scientific elites from devel oping countries. However, this ...
Prize Collecting Traveling Salesman Problem with Ridesharing
(Instituto de Informática - Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul, 2020)
Caixeiro viajante com coleta de prêmios e passageiros
The Prize Collect Traveling Salesman Problem with Ridesharing is a model that merge
elements of the classic problem PCTSP with ridesharing. The costs of the driver journey are
reduced through the apportionment of expenses ...