Mostrando ítems 1-10 de 3118
Non-Gaussian Price Dynamics and Implications for Option Pricing
It is well known that the probability distribution of stock returns is non-Gaussian. The tails of the distribution are too “fat,” meaning that extreme price movements, such as stock market crashes, occur more often than ...
The Value of Observing the Buyer Arrival Time in Dynamic Pricing
We consider a dynamic pricing problem where a firm sells one item to a single buyer in order to maximize expected revenues. The firm commits to a price function over an infinite horizon. The buyer arrives at some random ...
The Dynamics and Determinants of Slave Prices in an Urban Setting: Santiago de Chile, c. 1773-1822
(Cambridge University Press, 2016)
This paper provides the first survey of slave prices for Santiago de Chile, c.1773-1822. It also establishes the main determinants of slave prices during this period. We gathered and analysed over 3,800 sale operations. ...
Predictive dynamics in commodity prices
(FGV EPGE; Vale, 2012-08)
Apresentação do palestrante Allan Timmermann - University of California San Diego no contexto do evento "The Economics and Econometrics of Commodity Prices". Mais informações em: http://epge.fgv.br/conferencias/commodity ...
Pricing the option adjust spread of Brazilian Eurobonds
(Escola de Pós-Graduação em Economia da FGV, 1997-03-20)
This paper presents results of a pricing system to compute the option adjusted spread ('DAS') of Eurobonds issued by Brazilian firms. The system computes the 'DAS' over US treasury rates taktng imo account the embedded ...
Price dynamics in the Spanish housing market between 1995 and 2008. Evidence from a panel of provinces
(CENTRUM PublishingPE, 2019)
A Dynamic Price-Setting Mechanism for a Hybrid Matching MarketA Dynamic Price-Setting Mechanism for a Hybrid Matching Market
(Sociedade Brasileira de Econometria, 2003)
Dynamic effects of price promotions: field evidence, consumer search, and supply-side implications
(Springer New York LLC, 2019)
© 2018, Springer Science+Business Media, LLC, part of Springer Nature.This paper investigates the dynamic effects of price promotions in a retail setting through the use of a large-scale field experiment varying the promotion ...
An empirical enquiry on the short-run dynamics of output and prices
(ILPES, 1975-09-25)
Essays on price dynamics
Esta tese tem como objetivo principal aproximar a evidencia empirica existente sobre os agregados macroeconomicos com as novas evidencias empiricas baseadas nos micro dados de precos ao consumidor, tendo como base os modelos ...