Mostrando ítems 1-10 de 3177
A comparison between sphygmomanometer-based and ambulatory blood pressure monitoring in acute salt loading and depletion protocol
(Faculdade de Medicina / USP, 2011)
INTRODUCTION: Ambulatory blood pressure monitors have been used in salt loading and depletion protocols. However, the agreement between measurements made using ambulatory blood pressure monitors and those made with the ...
Evaluation of parameters obtained from two systems of gait analysis
Background: The technical difficulties in utilising the force platform have stimulated the use and development of other gait systems. Therefore, this study aimed to compare the values of gait parameters obtained from a ...
Salt and insulin sensitivity after short and prolonged high salt intake in elderly subjects
(Associação Brasileira de Divulgação Científica, 2009)
Salt sensitivity and insulin resistance are correlated with higher cardiovascular risk. There is no information about changes in salt sensitivity (SS) and insulin sensitivity (IS) after a chronic salt overload in humans. ...
Gait analysis in giant anteater (myrmecophaga tridactyla) with the use of a pressure-sensitive walkway
(Amer Assoc Zoo Veterinarians, 2015-06-01)
The aim of this study was to evaluate the kinetic and temporospatial parameters of clinically healthy juvenile giant anteaters (Myrmecophaga tridactyla) by using a pressure-sensing walkway. Three free-ranging clinically ...
A phenomenological description of the pressure sensitivity of the Curie temperature in hole-doped manganites
(Europhysics Letters, 2009-12)
We performed high-pressure experiments in La0.8Ca0.2-xSr xMnO3 (LCSMO)(0≤ x ≤ 0.2) ceramic samples in order to analyze the validity of the well-known relation between the A-cation mean ionic radius ((ra)) and the Curie ...
Pressure sensitivity of the ferromagnetic transition in perovskite manganites revisited
(American Institute of Physics, 2006-12)
It was already shown that a qualitative understanding of the pressure effects on the ferromagnetic transition temperature (Tc) of the perovskite manganites (AMnO3) results from the variation of the geometric factors that ...
Abstract MP11: Striatin Heterozygous Knockout Mice Have Increased Aldosterone Sensitivity
Background: We recently demonstrated that mice lacking one copy of the striatin gene (Strn+/-) have salt sensitivity of blood pressure (BP) as compared with WT mice. To determine whether Strn+/- mice have increased sensitivity ...