Mostrando ítems 1-10 de 969
Torsion and gravitation: A new view
(World Scientific Publ Co Pte Ltd, 2004-05-01)
According to the teleparallel equivalent of general relativity, curvature and torsion are two equivalent ways of describing the same gravitational field. Though equivalent, they act differently: curvature yields a geometric ...
El tratamiento de la prescripción y la caducidad en el Derecho Civil: diferencias y semejanzas
(Instituto PacíficoPE, 2019)
El Código Civil es la norma auténtica que
regula la prescripción y la caducidad,
siendo estas instituciones parte del derecho
material y sustantivo. Su tratamiento no
es uniforme en la legislación comparada
y a nivel ...
Applied Psychology. The Case of the Baer, Wolf and Risley Prescriptions for Applied Behavior Analysis
Baer, Wolf and Risley, members of the group that promoted the creation of the Journal of Applied Behavior Analysis, offered in its first issue a detailed series of ‘prescriptions’ that characterized the way research and ...
Prescription of opioids at the moment of discharge from an emergency department Prescripción de opioides al alta de un servicio de urgencia
(Sociedad Medica de Santiago, 2017)
© 2017, Sociedad Medica de Santiago. All rights reserved. Background: There is a worrisome increase in opioid prescription worldwide. Their use and overuse may cause adverse outcomes. Aim: To determine incidence and ...
Prescri????o intercorrente no processo administrativo fiscal
(Universidade Federal da Bahia, 2013)
Prescrição e decadência no direito civil em busca da distinção funcionalLapsing and prescription in civil law: seeking a functional distinction
(Instituto Brasileiro de Direito Civil - IBDCivil, 2020)
Torsion and gravitation: A new view
(World Scientific Publ Co Pte Ltd, 2004-05-01)
According to the teleparallel equivalent of general relativity, curvature and torsion are two equivalent ways of describing the same gravitational field. Though equivalent, they act differently: curvature yields a geometric ...
Direito penal juvenil e prescrição da pretensão punitiva
(Universidade Federal de Santa MariaBrasilUFSMCentro de Ciências Sociais e Humanas, 2011-08-11)
This paper deals with the Rights of the Child and adolescent treatment and state the
infraction, with particular emphasis on Juvenile Criminal Law Theory, which will be based on the
doctrine referred to above, which ...
El proceso de mejor derecho de propiedad contra quien adquirió un predio por prescripción adquisitivaBetter property right against those who obtained title by Acquisitive Prescription of Domain
(Universidad Peruana de Ciencias Aplicadas (UPC)PE, 2023)