Mostrando ítems 1-10 de 704
Nutritional care during prenatal and postpartum periods: A report of experiences in a city on Sao Paulo's coast
(Pontificia Universidade Catolica Campinas, 2016)
The purpose of this study is to present a report of the experiences of the adoption of the Approach to Nutritional Care during Prenatal and Postpartum Periods, resulting from a partnership between the university and the ...
Proposal of a new standard for the nutritional assessment of pregnant women Propuesta de un nuevo estándar de evaluación nutricional en embarazadas
Background: There is evidence to suggest that the criteria for nutritional assessment of pregnant women, used by the Chilean Ministry of Health, overestimates nutritional disturbances. Aim: To propose a new reference table ...
Evolução temporal da prevalência de anemia em adolescentes grávidas em uma maternidade do Rio de Janeiro
(Universidade Federal do Rio de JaneiroBrasilMaternidade EscolaPrograma de Residência Multiprofissional em Saúde PerinatalUFRJ, 2022)
Program development for interventions in the nutrition-infection complex
(National Academy of Sciences, noviembre 1978, 1978)
The magnitude of malnutrition in the world is staggering. In addition to its major causative factors, which relate specifically to food availability at the household level, infectious diseases are an omnipresent and important ...