Mostrando ítems 1-10 de 1729
Early and late pregnant adolescents and neonatal results: a cohort study
Aim: To identify the profile of precocious (under 16 years of age) and late pregnant adolescents (17-19 years) by comparing neonatal results. Method: This is a unique cohort in which potential confounders of a biological ...
Anemia In Pregnant Adolescents: Impact Of Treatment On Perinatal Outcomes
(Taylor & Francis LtdAbingdon, 2017)
Las habilidades sociales y la sexualidad en adolescentes embarazadas y no embarazadas
(Universidad San Ignacio de Loyola, 2008)
The Investigation goes into the relations among social abilities and the sexuality in the Instituto Materno Perinatal's adolescent pregnant women ( Former - Maternity of Lima ) and the Institute Materno Infantil ( Hospital ...
Las habilidades sociales y la sexualidad en adolescentes embarazadas y no embarazadas
(Universidad San Ignacio de Loyola, 2008)
The Investigation goes into the relations among social abilities and the sexuality in the Instituto Materno Perinatal's adolescent pregnant women ( Former - Maternity of Lima ) and the Institute Materno Infantil ( Hospital ...
Las habilidades sociales y la sexualidad en adolescentes embarazadas y no embarazadas
(Universidad San Ignacio de Loyola, 2008)
The Investigation goes into the relations among social abilities and the sexuality in the Instituto Materno Perinatal's adolescent pregnant women ( Former - Maternity of Lima ) and the Institute Materno Infantil ( Hospital ...
Complicaciones obstétricas en gestantes adolescentes atendidas en el hospital regional de Loreto octubre-diciembre 2019
(Universidad Científica del PerúPE, 2021-03-20)
Objetivo: Determinar las complicaciones obstétricas en gestantes adolescentes atendidas en el Hospital Regional De Loreto de octubre a diciembre 2019.
Metodología: Es un estudio de tipo descriptivo, no experimental, ...
Psychometric properties of the Spanish version of the 10-item Connor Davidson Resilience Scale (CD-RISC) among adolescent mothers in Peru
(Springer, 2019)
The objective of this research is to assess the psychometric properties of the Connor-Davidson Resilience Scale (CD-RISC) in order to contribute to the literature identifying validated resilience measures in low-resource ...
Bacterial vaginosis in pregnant adolescents: proinflammatory cytokine and bacterial sialidase profile. Cross-sectional study
(Associação Paulista de Medicina - APM, 2015-10-09)