Mostrando ítems 1-10 de 159
Evolutionary Algorithm for the Vehicles Routing Problem with Time Windows Based on a Constraint Satisfaction Technique
(Revista Computación y Sistemas; Vol. 13 No.3, 2010-02-18)
Abstract. In this paper a Memetic Algorithm (MA) is proposed for solving the Vehicles Routing Problem with Time Win-dows (VRPTW) multi-objective, using a constraint satisfaction heuristic that allows pruning of the search ...
A new formulation for scheduling unrelated processor under precedence constraints
(Gauthier-villars/editions ElsevierParisFrança, 1999)
A heuristic approach for scheduling activities with ‘OR’- precedence constraints at an underground mine
(Taylor & Francis, 2020)
Medium-term development planning of underground mines requires scheduling multiple activities to comply with long-term milestones, and to obtain a time span as short as possible. However, the planning must also respect the ...
A new hybrid heuristic algorithm for the Precedence Constrained Production Scheduling Problem: A mining application
(Elsevier, 2020)
In this work we address the Precedence Constrained Production Scheduling Problem (PCPSP), the problem of scheduling tasks in such a way that total profit is maximized, while satisfying conditions such as precedence constraints ...
A new hybrid heuristic algorithm for the Precedence Constrained Production Scheduling Problem: A mining application
(Elsevier Ltd, 2019)
In this work we address the Precedence Constrained Production Scheduling Problem (PCPSP), the problem of scheduling tasks in such a way that total profit is maximized, while satisfying conditions such as precedence constraints ...
Procedures for the bin packing problem with precedence constraints
The bin packing problem with precedence constraints (BPP-P) is a recently proposed variation of the classical bin packing problem (BPP), which corresponds to a basic model featuring many underlying characteristics of several ...