Mostrando ítems 1-10 de 273
Precarious settlement in metropolitan areas
(ECLA, 1978)
Residential typologies in Chilean irregular settlements with precarious housing conditions Tipologías residenciales en comunidades chilenas en condiciones de precariedad habitacional
Objective. To identify residential parameters that characterize the physical and social environment in Chile's irregular settlements, and to construct typologies that will allow to develop profiles with those distinctive ...
Disaster risk construction in the progressive consolidation of informal settlements: Iquique and Puerto Montt (Chile) case studies
(Elsevier, 2015)
The relationship between informality and vulnerability, common in Latin American communities, is analyzed using data from two medium-sized cities in the Chilean urban system as case studies: Iquique, located in the northern ...
Intervenção urbana no entorno do Córrego Machado para fins de regularização fundiária
(Universidade Federal do TocantinsPalmasCURSO::PALMAS::PRESENCIAL::BACHARELADO::ARQUITETURA E URBANISMOPalmasGraduação, 2020)
An evidence-based urban DRR strategy for informal settlements
Purpose – The purpose of this paper is to analyze the evidence-based research strategy (EBRS) used to evaluate eight projects that applied the neighborhood approach for disaster risk reduction (NA-DRR) in informal urban ...