Mostrando ítems 1-10 de 20
Pre-travel malaria chemoprophylaxis counselling in a public travel medicine clinic in São Paulo, Brazil
Malaria is one of the most prevalent parasitic diseases in the world and represents a threat to travellers visiting endemic areas. Chemoprophylaxis is the ...
Pre-travel malaria chemoprophylaxis counselling in a public travel medicine clinic in São Paulo, Brazil
(BioMed Central, 2017)
Malaria is one of the most prevalent parasitic diseases in the world and represents a threat to travellers visiting endemic areas. Chemoprophylaxis is ...
Travel Medicine in the Dominican RepublicLa Medicina del Viajero en República Dominicana
(Intituto Tecnológico de Santo Domingo (INTEC), 2022)
International mass gatherings and travel-associated illness: A GeoSentinel cross-sectional, observational study
BackgroundTravelers to international mass gatherings may be exposed to conditions which increase their risk of acquiring infectious diseases. Most existing data come from single clinical sites seeing returning ...
Characteristics associated with pre travel medical consultation in tourists visiting Cuzco, Peru
(Universidad Continental, 2019)
Antecedentes: el turismo internacional va en aumento. La medicina preventiva sigue siendo importante, especialmente la consulta previa al viaje (PTC). Objetivo: determinar las características de los turistas asociados con ...
Screening for parasitic infection and tuberculosis in immunosuppressed and pre-immunosuppressed patients: An observational study
(MDPI, 2021)
Reactivation of latent tuberculosis infection (LTBI) or latent parasitic infection (LPI) during drug-induced immunosuppression can have serious consequences. The Division of tropical and humanitarian medicine of the Geneva ...
Diseño del plan exportador para la empresa Mascontrol Consultores S.A.S.
(Universidad EAFITMaestría en Administración - MBAEscuela de Administración. Departamento de Organización y GerenciaMedellín, 2021)
Services have become an essential and routine part of our lives, they cannot be touched, but they are present and necessary in human activities. Today, services are indispensable, being at the same time the object of ...