Mostrando ítems 1-10 de 5104
Evidence of tungiasis in pre-hispanic America
(Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, 2011)
Ancient parasites of the genus Tunga originated in America and, during the fi rst half of the 19th century, were transported to the Eastern Hemisphere on transatlantic voyages. Although they were first documented by Spanish ...
Sobre as causas naturais que formam a base empírica do fenômeno dos turbilhões nas cosmogonias : dos pré-socráticos a René Descartes
Neste trabalho é apresentado um possível fundamento empírico para as teorias dos turbilhões que figuram em praticamente todas as teorias cosmogônicas dos pré-socráticos e mesmo presentes nas teorias de pensadores modernos ...
Pré-Sal: Petróleo e políticas públicas no Brasil (2007-2016)
The article analyses the relationship between social policy and economy in Brazil from the pre-salt exploration to the present day. The announcement of oil reserves in the pre-salt layer resulted in rapid changes in the ...
The Importance of the History of Chemistry in School Education. Analysis of pre-service Teacher’s Conceptions and Development of Teaching Materials
(Scientific & Academic Publishing, 2015)
The Importance of the History of Chemistry in School Education. Analysis of pre-service Teacher’s Conceptions and Development of Teaching Materials
(Scientific & Academic Publishing, 2015)
Padrões de apresentação das cenas coletivas de violênciahumana nas pinturas rupestres pré-históricas da área arqueológica do parque nacional Serra da Capivara-PI
(Universidade Federal de PernambucoUFPEBrasilPrograma de Pos Graduacao em Arqueologia, 2017)
Sistema de información para mejorar el control del historial médico de pacientes del servicio de emergencia, en el hospital Víctor Ramos Guardia de Huaraz, 2022
(Universidad Nacional Santiago Antúnez de MayoloPE, 2022-12-12)
La presente tesis titulada “Sistema de información para mejorar el control del historial médico de pacientes del Servicio de Emergencia, en el Hospital Víctor Ramos Guardia de Huaraz, 2022”, tiene como objetivo determinar ...
LEVELT, WILLEM. 2013. A history of psycholinguistics: The pre-Chomskyan Era. New York: Oxford University Press. 653 pp.
(Universidad Central de Venezuela, 2014)