Mostrando ítems 1-10 de 971
A scanning electronic microscopy study of the action of different desensitizing agents on bovine dentin
This study sought to use scanning electronic microscopy (SEM) to evaluate the dentinal tubule occlusion potential of different desensitizing agents. Ten slices of bovine dentin were divided into six fragments, cleaned ...
A scanning electronic microscopy study of the action of different desensitizing agents on bovine dentin
This study sought to use scanning electronic microscopy (SEM) to evaluate the dentinal tubule occlusion potential of different desensitizing agents. Ten slices of bovine dentin were divided into six fragments, cleaned ...
Anelastic spectroscopy in potassium aluminum metaphosphate glasses
Anelastic spectroscopy (internal friction and the dynamic modulus) was measured by means of a torsion pendulum at 3-12 Hz, in the range of 100-300 K, for a KAP metaphosphate glass. Two thermally activated internal friction ...
Anelastic spectroscopy in potassium aluminum metaphosphate glasses
Anelastic spectroscopy (internal friction and the dynamic modulus) was measured by means of a torsion pendulum at 3-12 Hz, in the range of 100-300 K, for a KAP metaphosphate glass. Two thermally activated internal friction ...
Nutrients concentrations in the flag leaf and grains of black-oat affected by phosphate and potassium fertilizationTeores de nutrientes da folha bandeira e grãos de aveia-preta em função da adubação fosfatada e postássica
The black oat (Avena strigosa Schreber) has been commonly used as green manure, in crop rotation systems under no-tillage, fall-winter crop, and for cattle grazing, hay, and silage. The objective of this work was to evaluate ...
Salt equivalence and temporal dominance of sensations of different sodium chloride substitutes in butter
(Institute of Food Research and the Hannah Research Institute, 2014)