Mostrando ítems 1-10 de 18
Seletividade de inseticidas a três vespidae predadores de Dione Juno Juno (Lepidoptera:Heliconidae).
(Pesquisa Agropecuaria Brasileira, Brasilia, v.35, n.2, p.251-257, fev.2000., 2000)
Thermal Characteristics of Polybia scutellaris Nests (Hymenoptera: Vespidae) Using Computational Fluid Dynamics: A Possible Adaptation to Tropical Climates
Polybia scutellaris constructs huge nests characterized by numerous spinal projections on the surface. We investigated the thermal characteristics of P scutellaris nests in order to determine whether their nest temperature ...
A Naturally Occurring Hypoallergenic Variant of Vespid Antigen 5 from Polybia scutellaris Venom as a Candidate for Allergen-Specific Immunotherapy
(Public Library Of Science, 2012-07)
Stings by insects from the Hymenoptera order are known to cause life-threatening allergic reactions and impair life quality. Despite the effectiveness of conventional vespid venom immunotherapy, more standardized and safer ...
Analysis of digestive tract content of the larvae of Polybia scutellaris (White) (Hymenoptera, Vespidae)Análise do conteúdo do trato digestivo das larvas de Polybia scutellaris (White) Hymenoptera, Vespidae)
(Sociedade Brasileira de Entomologia, 2011-06)
Analysis of digestive tract content of the larvae of Polybia scutellaris (White) (Hymenoptera, Vespidae). Polybia scutellaris (White, 1841) is a social wasp of biological interest for its role as pollinator and maybe as ...
Pollen content accumulated in nests of Polybia scutellaris (Hymenoptera, Vespidae)
(Taylor & Francis, 2010)
Plant resources foraged by Polybia scutellaris were identified by analysing the pollen content of 14 nests in Magdalena (Buenos Aires Province, Argentina). Six nests were inhabited at the time of collection. The palynological ...
Nest thermoregulation in Polybia scutellaris (White) (Hymenoptera: Vespidae)
(Sociedade Entomológica do Brasil, 2010)
Polybia scutellaris (White) builds large nests characterized by numerous spiny projections on the surface. In order to determine whether or not the nest temperature is maintained because of homeothermic conditions of the ...
New host association: Polybia scutellaris (Hymenoptera, Vespidae) parasitized by Melaloncha (Diptera, Phoridae)
(Sociedade Brasileira de Entomologia, 2013-06)
The genus Melaloncha Brues is a large assemblage of New World, parasitoid phorid flies. They are parasitoids of Apoidea bees. However, here we present the first record of a wasp parasitized by Melaloncha sp. The new host ...
Nosema ceranae in South American Native Stingless Bees and Social Wasp
(Springer, 2017-04)
Besides the incipient research effort, the role of parasites as drivers of the reduction affecting pollinator populations is mostly unknown. Given the worldwide extension of the beekeeping practice and the diversity of ...