Mostrando ítems 1-10 de 655
Pollination Syndromes: A Global Pattern of Convergent Evolution Driven by the Most Effective Pollinator
(Springer, 2015)
Convergent evolution of floral traits driven by pollinators has resulted in fl oral syndromes shared among different plant lineages. However, the flowers of many plant species are often visited by different pollinator groups, ...
Responses to risks and opportunities associated with pollinators and pollination
(Secretariat of the Intergovernmental Science-Policy Platform on Biodiversity and Ecosystem Services,, 2016)
The overall aim of the thematic assessment of Pollinators, Pollination and Food Production is to assess animal pollination as a regulating ecosystem service under pinning food production in the context of its contribution ...
The potential for insect pollinators to alleviate global pollination deficits and enhance yield of fruit and seed crops
(Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations, 2018)
Humanity faces amajor challenge as agricultural intensification and growth ofcultivated areas increase to satisfy greater demands from a humanpopulation of growing size and affluence. However, with long-term,sustainable ...
Introduced deer and the pollination and reproduction of an animal-pollinated herb
(National Research Council Canada-NRC Research Press, 2010-02)
We evaluated the hypothesis that the modified population density of Aquilegia formosa Fisch. ex DC. (Ranun culaceae) resulting from the introduction of Sitka black-tailed deer (Odocoileus hemionus sitkensis) in the Haida ...
A survey of floral traits, breeding systems, floral visitors, and pollination systems of the angiosperms of the Juan Fernández islands (Chile)
(Springer, 2002-12)
A survey of the reproductive features of the angiosperm flora of the Juan Fernández Archipelago (Chile) is presented to provide a species-based review of reproduction and pollination, to identify generalizations associated ...
Foliar damage modifies floral attractiveness to pollinators in Alstroemeria exerens
Pollination is a requisite for sexual reproduction in plants and its success may determine the reproductive output of individuals. Pollinator preference for some floral designs or displays that are lacking or poorly developed ...