Mostrando ítems 1-10 de 9000
Dimensions of Competition in Chilean Politics in the Nineties: Assessing the Impact of a Military Government in the Restructuring of the Party System
This document studies the impact of the Chilean transition on the development of the party system, where the authoritarianism has had a high level of legitimacy. Based on multivariate analysis of the World Values Survey, ...
Traditional Populations and Political Activism in the Belo Monte Dam Construction
(Springer, 2018-01-01)
This article presents a critical discussion on issues relating to the Belo Monte Hydroelectric Dam Complex (UHE Belo Monte) construction in the region of Altamira, State of Para, Brazil. The discussion is carried out by ...
Traditional peoples and communities in Brazil: the work of the anthropologist, political regression and the threat to rights
(Universidade Federal de Minas GeraisBrasilFAF - DEPARTAMENTO DE ANTROPOLOGIA E ARQUEOLOGIAUFMG, 2020)
O artigo problematiza as questões das identidades e territórios e as formas de resiliências no Brasil contemporâneo, a partir da correlação entre poder, territorialidade, Estado e desenvolvimento, enfatizando situações de ...
The MAS -IPSP's political identity.: Traditions, demands and antagonismLa identidad política del MASIPSP en Bolivia.: De tradiciones, demandas y antagonismosA identidade política do MAS-IPSP na Bolívia.: Tradições, demandas e antagonismos
(Instituto de Ciências Sociais da Universidade de Brasília, 2013)
Women, Agency, and the State in Guinea : Silent Politics
"This book examines how women in Guinea articulate themselves politically within and outside institutional politics. It documents the everyday practices that local female actors adopt to deal with the continuous economic, ...
In praise of the Kingdom. Rafael Gambra and the claim of political traditionalism.
This article discusses the reformulation of the monarchical thought made by Rafael Gambra, in continuity with the political traditionalism of the 19th and 20th centuries. The notion of “Kingdom” helps the author to settle ...
In praise of the Kingdom. Rafael Gambra and the claim of political traditionalism.
This article discusses the reformulation of the monarchical thought made by Rafael Gambra, in continuity with the political traditionalism of the 19th and 20th centuries. The notion of “Kingdom” helps the author to settle ...
On the political legitimacy of state punishment. A critique of the traditional approach to the subject [Sobre el discurso de legitimación política de la pena estatal. Una crítica de su estructuración tradicional].
The paper criticizes the way in which academic discourses usually aim at discussing the political legitimacy of state punishment. It shows that the traditional language of the theories of punishment presupposes a static ...