Mostrando ítems 1-10 de 1321
Political Parties And Participatory Democracy: Political Status And Associative Profile In Participatory Budgeting Of Brazil
(Asoc Espanola Ciencia Politica & ADM-AECPAMadrid, 2016)
Dos sindicatos ao governo: a organização nacional do PT de 1980 a 2005
(Universidade Federal de São CarlosBRUFSCarPrograma de Pós-Graduação em Ciência Política - PPGPol, 2008-08-27)
The thesis main goal was to test the partial applicability of the cartel party model (Katz and Mair), to understand the transformations in the national structure of the Workers
Party (Partido dos Trabalhadores PT) between ...
The power of partisanship in Brazil: evidence from survey experiments
(Wiley-Blackwell, 2014-01)
To what extent do party labels influence individuals' policy positions? Much research has examined this question in the United States, where party identification can generate both in-group and out-group pressures to conform ...
The reverse coattail effect revisited: intra-party linkages and electoral performance in Brazil, 1996-2010
This paper analyzes the reverse coattail effect on Brazilian elections, a term originally coined by Ames (1994). More specifically, it deals with the ability of local party organizations to transfer votes to upper levels ...
O dualismo partidário no período de 1966 a 1982 e sua representação local
(Universidade Estadual Paulista (Unesp), 2004-10-27)
O presente trabalho estuda um período da história político-partidária e eleitoral (1966-1982) brasileira, percorrendo os níveis nacional, estadual e local, com ênfase neste último. Com a chegada dos militares ao poder em ...
Determinants of patronage and policy-making positions in the Brazilian federal bureaucracy, 2007-2011
Research on the relationship between the Executive and the Legislative in Brazil has generated a voluminous literature that sheds important light on our understanding of the policy-making process in Brazil and the relationship ...
Theater in school with or without a party will always be political
(Univ Estado Santa Catarina-udesc, 2019-03-01)
In Brazil, in recent years, bills based on the movement school without a party have been created and discussed in legislative houses to promote neutral education in schools and to ban any content that addresses political-party ...
Articulações intrapartidárias, desempenho eleitoral no Brasil
Do Brazil's political parties matter in elections? The article focuses on this problem by analyzing whether a mayor's election influences his party's electoral performance in the same city. A regression discontinuity model ...
Entre a obrigatoriedade e a execução: as fundações partidárias no Brasil e a formação política
Diante da importância dos partidos políticos para o funcionamento dos regimes democráticos contemporâneos, é fundamental compreender como as agremiações partidárias se estruturam e as organizações que se relacionam formalmente ...