Mostrando ítems 1-10 de 2712
El líder integral. Una lectura múltiple a la dimensión política
(Universidad de Belgrano - Facultad de Derecho y Ciencias Sociales - Licenciatura en Ciencia Política, 2013)
El tema que aborda este trabajo es la figura del líder político. Las distintas fuerzas en continuo movimiento
y tensión que llamamos historia, han encontrado expresión en individuos particulares: los líderes.1
Nuestros ...
Megachurches and the problem of leadership: An analysis of the encounter between the Evangelical world and Politics in Argentina
(Routledge, 2012-12)
Researchers usually address the political aspect of Evangelical groups by highlighting their involvement in party politics: their ability to create new organisations or form alliances with existing ones, introducing into ...
Political Leadership in Contemporary Japan
Those who do not read Japanese seldom have access to analytic studies of
the fascinating and surprisingly diverse world of contemporary Japanese political
leadership. This little volume hardly fills that gap, but it does ...
El presente ensayo se ocupa de presentar, para el análisis y la discusión, un conjunto de conceptos sociopolíticos estudiados, extractados, sintetizados o construidos en el intervalo 1973-2005, y aplicables —especialmente— ...
Un estudio del liderazgo de Nelson Mandela en clave mosaica
(Universidad de San Andrés. Departamento de Ciencias Sociales, 2016)
Understanding China’s school : leadership Interpreting the terminology
“China, with its geographical, historical, cultural, and political distance from the
West, long has been a black box upon which we readily paste labels communist,
non-Western, developing country but whose internal logic ...
The politics of technopols: resources, political competence and collective leadership in chile, 1990-2010
Who leads peace operations? A new dataset on leadership positions in UN peace operations, 1948–2019
It is widely recognized that UN peace operations have been critically influenced by their leadership personnel in the field since the first UN peacekeepers were deployed in 1948. But who exactly are the people that lead ...