Mostrando ítems 1-4 de 4
Application of Microsatellite Primers Developed for Polistes in the Independent-Founding Wasp Polists satan Bequaert (Hymenoptera: Vespidae)
Microsatellite primers developed for a given species are sometimes useful for another in the same genus and in other genera within the same family, making possible to search for pre-existing suitable primers in the databanks ...
Social wasps are effective biocontrol agents of key lepidopteran crop pests
Biocontrol agents can help reduce pest populations as part of an integrated pest management scheme, with minimal environmental consequences. However, biocontrol agents are often non-native species and require significant ...
Colony membership is reflected by variations in cuticular hydrocarbon profile in a Neotropical paper wasp, Polistes satan (Hymenoptera, Vespidae)
(Funpec-editoraRibeirao PretoBrasil, 2007)
The look of royalty: visual and odour signals of reproductive status in a paper wasp
(ROYAL SOC, 2008)
Reproductive conflicts within animal societies occur when all females can potentially reproduce. In social insects, these conflicts are regulated largely by behaviour and chemical signalling. There is evidence that presence ...