Mostrando ítems 1-10 de 19
Hall-probe bench for insertion-device characterization at LNLS
(Ieee-inst Electrical Electronics Engineers IncPiscatawayEUA, 2007)
Long rotating coil system based on stretched tungsten wires for insertion device characterization
(Ieee-inst Electrical Electronics Engineers IncPiscatawayEUA, 2008)
Collagen fiber reorganization in the rat ventral prostate following androgen deprivation: A possible role for smooth muscle cells
BACKGROUND. Stroma plays an essential role in glandular function in different systems. In the prostate, it is responsible for the development and maintenance of the differentiated state of the epithelium. The marked reduction ...
Collagen fiber reorganization in the rat ventral prostate following androgen deprivation: A possible role for smooth muscle cells
BACKGROUND. Stroma plays an essential role in glandular function in different systems. In the prostate, it is responsible for the development and maintenance of the differentiated state of the epithelium. The marked reduction ...
Bench Characterization Of A Prototype Of A 3rd Harmonic Cavity For The Lnls Electron Storage Ring
(European Physical Society Accelerator Group (EPS-AG), 2008)
Ondas gravitacionales
(Universidad de los AndesFísicaFacultad de CienciasDepartamento de Física, 2021)
This thesis, in a compilation way, seeks to understand and study various aspects related to the phenomenon of gravitational waves. This involves deriving and demonstrating the wave properties of space-time, studying its ...
Evolution of spinning and braiding helicity fluxes in solar active region NOAA 10930
(IOP Publishing, 2011-12)
The line-of-sight magnetograms from Solar Optical Telescope Narrowband Filter Imager observations of NOAA Active Region 10930 have been used to study the evolution of spinning and braiding helicities over a period of five ...