Mostrando ítems 1-10 de 249
Polarization of information and knowledge: a dialectical approach
(Universidade Federal de Minas GeraisBrasilECI - ESCOLA DE CIENCIA DA INFORMAÇÃOUFMG, 2017)
Voices from silicon valley expose the polarization of knowledge in the information age
O artigo está inserido emuma agenda de pesquisa que adota as lentes da Economia Política para discutir a seguinte questão: qual é o papel da informação e do conhecimento nas dinâmicas socioeconômicas do ...
The Personal Is the Political? What Do WhatsApp Users Share and How It Matters for News Knowledge, Polarization and Participation in Chile
Mobile instant messaging services (MIMs) are important gateways to news exposure and political conversations. Nevertheless, we still know little about the specific uses and consequences of using messaging apps on other ...
“Só te perguntá”: análise da sequencialidade interacional das ações de pedido de informação e de pedido de confirmação em perguntas polares
(Universidade do Vale do Rio dos Sinos, 2016-01-13)
This master’s dissertation consists of a subproject of a larger study, entitled “Uma mulher, um feto, e uma má notícia: a entrega de diagnósticos de síndromes e de malformações fetais – em busca de uma melhor compreensão ...
“Só te perguntá”: análise da sequencialidade interacional das ações de pedido de informação e de pedido de confirmação em perguntas polares
(Universidade do Vale do Rio dos Sinos, 2016-01-13)
This master’s dissertation consists of a subproject of a larger study, entitled “Uma mulher, um feto, e uma má notícia: a entrega de diagnósticos de síndromes e de malformações fetais – em busca de uma melhor compreensão ...
Epithelial-mesenchymal transition (EMT): principles and clinical impact in cancer therapy.
(Universidad del Zulia, 2013)
Predicting Election Results with Machine Learning—A Review
(Springer Link, 2023)
Election results are a topic that never stops being talked about and even more so that social platforms are the perfect medium where polarization to a political party is established. That is why many academics have seen ...
Auxin and Cellular Elongation
(American Society Of Plant Biologist, 2016-03)
Auxin is a crucial growth regulator in plants. However, a comprehensive understanding of how auxin induces cell expansion is perplexing, because auxin acts in a concentration- and cell type-dependent manner. Consequently, ...
Ovarian morphology and folliculogenesis and ovulation process in the flat-faced fruit-eating bat Artibeus planirostris and the Argentine brown bat Eptesicus furinalis: A comparative analysis
The Neotropical bat species Artibeus planirostris and Eptesicus furinalis present a different morphology of the female reproductive organs: the first presents a simplex uterus, while the second presents a bicornuate uterus, ...
DLG1 polarity protein expression associates with the disease progress of low-grade cervical intraepithelial lesions
(Academic Press Inc Elsevier Science, 2017-02)
Human Discs large tumour suppressor (DLG1) participates in regulating cell polarity and proliferation, suggesting an important connection between epithelial organization and cellular growth control. However, it was ...