Mostrando ítems 1-10 de 219
Torsion gravity: A reappraisal
(World Scientific Publ Co Pte Ltd, 2004-12-01)
The role played by torsion in gravitation is critically reviewed. After a description of the problems and controversies involving the physics of torsion, a comprehensive presentation of the teleparallel equivalent of general ...
Torsion gravity: A reappraisal
(World Scientific Publ Co Pte Ltd, 2004-12-01)
The role played by torsion in gravitation is critically reviewed. After a description of the problems and controversies involving the physics of torsion, a comprehensive presentation of the teleparallel equivalent of general ...
Torsion points on theta divisors
(American Mathematical Society, 2017)
© 2016 American Mathematical Society. Using the irreducibility of a natural irreducible representation of the theta group of an ample line bundle on an abelian variety, we derive a bound for the number of n-torsion points ...
Valor predictivo de la puntuación TWIST en el diagnóstico de torsión testicular en adolescentes de 12 a 18 años de edad con escroto agudo
(Universidad Nacional de TrujilloPE, 2020)
El escroto agudo es el cuadro clínico definido por dolor testicular de pocas horas de evolución, asociado habitualmente a signos inflamatorios locales. El escroto agudo se considera un cuadro clínico urgente, ya que requiere ...
Torsion gravity: A reappraisal
(World Scientific Publ Co Pte Ltd, 2014)
Nowhere vanishing torsion closed curves always hide twice
(Kluwer Academic PublDordrechtHolanda, 1997)
A Berger-type theorem for metric connections with skew-symmetric torsion
(Elsevier Science, 2012-12)
We prove a Berger-type theorem which asserts that if the orthogonal subgroup generated by the torsion tensor (pulled back to a point by parallel transport) of a metric connection with skew-symmetric torsion is not transitive ...
Metodología para la consideración de la torsión en planta en la evaluación sísmica de edificios de hormigón armado típicos en la ciudad de Cuenca
The city of Cuenca is located on an area with high seismic hazards, PGA=0.25g, according to the Ecuadorian Construction Standard. The history of seismic activity in the sector reveals disasters caused by at least one ...
Addition of torsion to chiral gravity
(American Physical Society, 2011-06)
Three-dimensional gravity in anti-de Sitter space is considered, including torsion. The derivation of the central charges of the algebra that generates the asymptotic isometry group of the theory is reviewed, and a special ...
The Teleparallel Lagrangian and Hamilton-Jacobi formalism
(Kluwer Academic/plenum Publ, 2003-05-01)
We analyze the Teleparallel Equivalent of General Relativity (TEGR) from the point of view of Hamilton-Jacobi approach for singular systems.