Mostrando ítems 1-10 de 1025
Educación y libertad cultural en México ¿Un camino abierto hacia los Estados plurales?Education and cultural freedom: open pathway towards a plural state
(Universidad Politécnica Salesiana (Ecuador), 2014)
Pluralism in economics: from epistemology to hermeneutics
The objective of this paper is to bring elements from the philosophical movement of hermeneutics and pragmatism to the discussion on methodology in economics, with a specific concern on the theory of truth. Our aim is to ...
The Effectiveness Of Design Pluralism At Internal Space Levels
(Universidad del Zulia, 2019)
Constitucionalismo latino-americano: o pluralismo jurídico na Constituição boliviana de 2009
(Universidade Federal de Santa MariaBrasilUFSMCentro de Ciências Sociais e Humanas, 2013-12-13)
The research shows notepaper about a subject that has influenced the political life of
some Latin American countries. It is observed a process of constitutional changes,
caused by rupture with the old social order, by ...
Lexicalização-degramaticalização do plural no português falado em Belo Horizonte
(Universidade Federal de Minas GeraisBrasilFALE - FACULDADE DE LETRASPrograma de Pós-Graduação em Estudos LinguísticosUFMG, 2021-02-08)
The present thesis has as its theme the erasure of the plural marks of the name in the portuguese spoken in Belo Horizonte. The purpose of this research is to investigate the structure of noun phrases (NP) that refer to ...
Educación religiosa escolar y pluralidad cultural
(Universidad de La Salle. Facultad de Ciencias de la Educación. Licenciatura en Educación Religiosa, 2018)
Toponomastic in Cuba. Morphosyntactic description in names of kindergartensEstudios de toponomástica en Cuba: aspectos morfosintácticos en los nombres de círculos infantiles
(Facultad de Humanidades de la Universidad Central "Marta Abreu" de Las Villas, 2021)
Educación y libertad cultural en México
In this paper it is argued that cultural freedom in education is a necessary condition to build a plural state. It proposes that to be truly intercultural and bilingual institution, education should ensure conditions for ...