Mostrando ítems 1-10 de 110
Neighbourhood structure and light availability influence the variations in plant design of shrubs in two cloud forests of different successional status
(Annals of Botany, 2016-07)
Background and Aims Plant design refers to the construction of the plant body or its constituent parts in terms of form and function. Although neighbourhood structure is recognized as a factor that limits plant survival ...
Density and biomechanical properties of fossil fronds. A case study of Neuropteris ovata (seed fern, Late Pennsylvanian, Canada)
(Elsevier Science, 2018-10)
A theoretical biomechanical model is proposed for the largest known 650 mm-long frond segment Neuropteris ovata var. simonii (Medullosales, Pennsylvanian, Sydney Coalfield, Canada). The study procedure includes, amongst ...
Functional modularity in a forcible flower mechanism: relationships among morphology, biomechanical features and fitness
(Springer, 2015-09)
Flowers may be interpreted as complex combinations of organs functionallycoordinated to attract pollinators and to mechanically interact with the pollinator?s body,particularly when flower mechanisms are actively handled ...
An approach to the biomechanics of the masticatory apparatus of early Miocene (Santacrucian Age) South American ungulates (Astrapotheria, Litopterna, and Notoungulata): Moment arm estimation based on 3D landmarks
(Springer, 2012-01)
Notoungulates, litopterns, and astrapotheres are among the most representative mammals of the early Miocene Santacrucian Age. They comprise a diversity of biological types and sizes, from small forms, comparable to rodents, ...
Leaf mechanical resistance in plant trait databases: comparing the results of two common measurement methods
(Oxford University Press, 2016-02)
Background and Aims The influence of leaf mechanical properties on local ecosystem processes, such as trophic transfer, decomposition and nutrient cycling, has resulted in a growing interest in including leaf mechanical ...
The role of leaf cellulose content in determining host plantpreferences of three defoliating insects present in theAndean-Patagonian forest
(Wiley Blackwell Publishing, Inc, 2017-06-13)
Phytophagous insects choose their feeding resources according to their own requirements in addition to properties of the host plants, such as biomechanical defences. The feeding preferences of the native folivorous insects ...
Avaliação dos efeitos do resveratrol sobre o tecido ósseo de ratas ovariectomizadas
(Universidade Federal de São CarlosBRUFSCarPrograma Interinstitucional de Pós-Graduação em Ciências Fisiológicas - PIPGCF, 2014-05-06)
Resveratrol (trans 3,5,4 'trihydroxystilbene) is a polyphenol found in some plants and fruits. There are indications that it may be associated with the prevention of osteoporosis due to its action similar to a SERM (Selective ...
Análise das variáveis eletromiográficas e da pressão plantar na marcha em aclive, declive e plano
(Universidade Estadual Paulista (UNESP), 2014)
Avaliação biomecânica dos trabalhadores nas atividades de propagação de Eucalyptus spp.
(Ciência Florestal, 2019)
An Ecomorphological Approach to Craniomandibular Integration in Neotropical Deer
(Springer, 2021-03)
South American cervids have a relatively recent evolutionary history in the Neotropics. Present taxonomical richness includes six genera and 17 species grouped in at least two clades, Blastocerina and Odocoileina. With few ...