Mostrando ítems 1-10 de 9655
Objetivos Curso El Plan de Negocios. Año 2013
(Universidad de Belgrano. Departamento de estudios de posgrado y educación continua. Área business administration, 2013-09-25)
Universidad de Belgrano. Departamento de estudios de posgrado y educación continua. Área business administration. Objetivos Curso El Plan de Negocios. Año 2013
The contribution of bibliographical references of teaching plans to the characterization of domains: a study in the Biofuel course at Centro Paula Souza
(Univ Brasilia, Dept Ciencia Informacao, 2022-01-01)
This research analyzes the bibliographical references indicated in the courses taught in two units of the Technological Course in Biofuels at the Centro Paula Souza in order to characterize the scientific domain founding ...
Using a threaded framework to enable practical activities in Operating Systems courses
(Ieee, 2013-01-01)
Teaching Operating Systems (OS) is a rather hard task, since being an OS designer is not a desired goal for most students and the subject demands a large amount of knowledge over system's details. To reduce the difficulty ...
User-friendly Instructional Design Tool to Facilitate Course Planning
(LACLO 2016, 2016)
Plan and take into account the whole picture of the course before it starts, must be a prerequisite for the instructors.
At the Tecnol´ogico de Costa Rica, a problem related to course planning has been identified; it is ...
Evaluation report of the e-learning course on Damage and Loss Assessment Methodology and planning for disaster risk reduction : Latin American and Caribbean Institute for Economic and Social Planning (ILPES) online platform
(ECLAC, Subregional Headquarters for the Caribbean, 2020-07-13)
Self-regulated learning strategies predict learner behavior and goal attainment in Massive Open Online Courses
(ELSEVIER LTD, 2017-01-01)
Individuals with strong self-regulated learning (SRL) skills, characterized by the ability to plan, manage and control their learning process, can learn faster and outperform those with weaker SRL skills. SRL is critical ...
Educación religiosa escolar portadora del mensaje cristiano posibilitador de la formación integral
(Universidad Católica de Pereira, 2013)
La práctica docente I y II permite a los estudiantes de Educación Religiosa tener un primer acercamiento a la manera en cómo se vive la educación religiosa, en este caso en la Institución Educativa, Pablo Sexto. Haciendo ...
Teacher Training and Inclusive Education: Analysis of the Contents of Pedagogy Courses in Unesp and USP
(Univ Estadual Paulista-unesp, Fac Ciencias Letras Assis, 2015-01-01)
In Brazil, the current educational model, based on national legislation and international movements, defends the proposal of inclusive education where all students, respecting their specificities, learn together. It becomes ...
Obejetivos Curso Protocolo de Negocios del Lejano Oriente. Año 2013
(Universidad de Belgrano. Departamento de estudios de posgrado y educación continua. Área imagen y comunicación, 2013-09-26)
Universidad de Belgrano. Departamento de estudios de posgrado y educación continua. Área imagen y comunicación. Curso Protocolo de Negocios del Lejano Oriente. Año 2013