Mostrando ítems 1-10 de 3572
(Univ Estadual Paulista-unesp, Fac Ciencias Letras Assis, 2015-01-01)
In this article deal with the importance of the pilot project as a key resource for planning and analysis procedures that will be adopted in the construction of truly scientific sources through interviews. To this end, we ...
Highlights of the pilot hillsides agricultural project at allsides
(IICA, 1980)
The project was officially evaluated just prior to the completion of its first phase on June 30, 1980.
During the first phase of the project the main objectives as spelled out in the project document were attained.
El ...
Pilote hillside agricultural project
(Instituto Interamericano de Ciencias Agrícolas (IICA), 1980)
The project's beneficiary was the Government of Jamaica. This project was designed on a pilot basis to utilize the experiences gained from Allsides project as a basis for identifying and introducing appropriate soil ...
South American Transport Statistics System (SETAS)- Analysis of pilot project
(ECLAC, 2000-09)
The SETAS pilot project was carried out by the ECLAC Transport Unit, between October 1999 and May 2000 to assess the feasibility of constructing a transport statistics information system for South America. As this would ...
Evaluation of the first phase allsides pilot project
IICA wanted to cooperate in the national programme in the area of land and water resources conservation launched by the Ministry of Agriculture with a pilot area: Allsides.
Extension of the pilot project for rural development and contribution to core budget (Agreement No. NA/79-31/C1). Technical progress report. Pilot project for rural development II. Technical progress report 1983
(CATIE, Turrialba (Costa Rica). Dept. de Producción Vegetal, 1983)
Can the "gown" act as a bridge between the "town" and the school? An analysis of the operations of the PEEPS Project in Trinidad
This paper critically assesses the pilot phase of a project mounted at the School of Education, The University of the West Indies, Trinidad campus, (the "gown"), which was designed to enhance the ability of urban parents ...
Managing student discipline at the Curepe Junior Secondary School: A pilot research project
(School of Education, UWI, St. Augustine, 2008)
This study is aimed at sensitizing teachers and other key stakeholders, with a view to helping students to manage and improve their discipline at the Curepe Junior Secondary School, using a school discipline model-the ...
A study of students' attitude towards teachers' assessment strategies in mathematics
This pilot study sought to investigate students' attitudes towards teachers' assessment strategies in mathematics. The study addressed the following research questions: 1) Are Form 3 students exposed to a variety of ...