Mostrando ítems 1-10 de 34
Macro y micropropagación en especies forestales
([s.n.], 2018)
A manual for forest tree nursery soil management
(Ontario Department of Lands and Forests, 2018)
Improvement treatment of sawnwood by needle incising
([s.n.], 2018)
Proceedings of the Twenty-six meeting of Canadian Tree Improvement Association: Canadian Tree Improvement Association, Sainte-Foy, Quebec, August 18-21, 1997
(Canadian Tree Improvement Association, 2018)
The wood book 79
(Wood Products Publications, 2018)
Single-step BLUP with varying genotyping effort in open-pollinated Picea glauca
Maximization of genetic gain in forest tree breeding programs is contingent on the accuracy of the predicted breeding values and precision of the estimated genetic parameters. We investigated the effect of the combined use ...