Mostrando ítems 1-10 de 927
Fishing for significance in phylogenies: too many alternatives for the same outcome, or an appeal to Journal editors
(Quenn´s University, 2014-02)
The ever increasing number of computer programs developed for phylogenetic research does not necessarily facilitate the construction of biologically relevant phylogenies. Regardless of the algorithm utilized by new software, ...
The phylogenetic structure of plant-pollinator networks increases with habitat size and isolation
(Wiley Blackwell Publishing, Inc, 2016-01)
Similarity among species in traits related to ecological interactions is frequently associated with common ancestry. Thus, closely related species usually interact with ecologically similar partners, which can be reinforced ...
Phylogenetic signal analysis in the basicranium of Ursidae (Carnivora, Mammalia)
(PeerJ, 2019-03)
Ursidae is a monophyletic group comprised of three subfamilies: Tremarctinae, Ursinae and Ailuropodinae, all of which have a rich geographical distribution. The phylogenetic relationships within the Ursidae group have been ...
Evolution of climatic related leaf traits in the family nothofagaceae
(Frontiers Media S.A., 2018)
© 2018 Glade-Vargas, Hinojosa and Leppe. The current relationship between leaf traits and environmental variables has been widely used as a proxy for climate estimates. However, it has been observed that the phylogenetic ...
Underdispersion of anti-herbivore defence traits and phylogenetic structure of cerrado tree species at fine spatial scale
(Wiley-blackwellHobokenEUA, 2012)
The circular nature of recurrent life cycle events: a test comparing tropical and temperate phenology
(Wiley-Blackwell, 2019-09-07)
The high diversity of plant species in the tropics has revealed complex phenological patterns and reproductive strategies occurring throughout the year. Describing and analysing tropical plant phenology, and detecting ...
The circular nature of recurrent life cycle events: a test comparing tropical and temperate phenology
The high diversity of plant species in the tropics has revealed complex phenological patterns and reproductive strategies occurring throughout the year. Describing and analysing tropical plant phenology, and detecting ...
Phylogenetic and adaptive components of the anuran advertisement call correlate with temporal species co-occurrence
(Oxford Univ Press, 2018-10-01)
Vocalization is one of the major means of communication in animal groups and is crucial in anuran mate recognition. Animal calls consist of spectral and temporal parameters, whose evolution can be influenced by environmental ...
The community-level effect of light on germination timing in relation to seed mass: a source of regeneration niche differentiation
(Wiley-Blackwell, 2014-11-01)
Within a community, species may germinate at different times so as to mitigate competition and to take advantage of different aspects of the seasonal environment (temporal niche differentiation). We illustrated a hypothesis ...