Mostrando ítems 1-10 de 20
Photometry of cataclysmic variable stars
OAUNI astronomical photometry: stellar variability of FO Aqr on 2016 low state
(IOP Publishing, 2020)
This work reports a photometric monitoring of the intermediate polar cataclysmic variable star FO Aqr. This is part of the ongoing OAUNI stellar variability program. Around 1200 individual measurements (or ∼ 9 hrs of ...
Quest for the Donor Star in the Magnetic Precataclysmic Variable V1082 Sgr
(IOP Publishing, 2018-12-07)
We obtained high-resolution spectra and multicolor photometry of V1082 Sgr to study the donor star in this 20.8 hr orbital period binary, which is assumed to be a detached system. We measured the rotational velocity (v sin ...
OAUNI confirmation of optical flickering from RS Oph
(R. E. Rutledge, 2022-05-20)
We report photometry post 2021 outburst of the recurrent nova RS Oph on 2022-05-02 (UT) gathered with the OAUNI 51cm telescope (Pereyra et al. 2015; arXiv:1512.03104) at Huancayo Observatory, Peru. CCD imaging was performed ...
Constraints on evolutionary pathways towards supernovae Ia
In this work, I briefly present the big picture of binary stars, their impact on dif- ferent areas of astronomy, and the physical mechanisms that govern their evolution from the initial configuration of a main-sequence ...
Doppler images in Balmer, He I, He II and C II lines, and simultaneous I-band photometry of the polar MR Ser are presented and analyzed. The Balmer and Helium Doppler tomograms, of this bright polar at high mass transfer ...
The path to Z And-type outbursts: The case of V426 Sagittae (HBHA 1704-05)
(EDP Sciences, 2020-04)
Context. The star V426 Sge (HBHA 1704-05), originally classified as an emission-line object and a semi-regular variable, brightened at the beginning of August 2018, showing signatures of a symbiotic star outburst. Aims. ...
The path to Z And-type outbursts: The case of V426 Sagittae (HBHA 1704-05)
(EDP Sciences, 2020-04-01)
Context. The star V426 Sge (HBHA 1704-05), originally classified as an emission-line object and a semi-regular variable, brightened at the beginning of August 2018, showing signatures of a symbiotic star outburst. Aims. ...