Mostrando ítems 1-10 de 826
Phonetics and phonology
(Universidad de La Salle. Facultad de Ciencias de la Educación, 2014)
O Português brasileiro e as controvérsias da fonética atual: pelo aperfeiçoamento da Fonologia ArticulatóriaImplications of Brazilian Portuguese data for current controversies in phonetics: towards sharpening articulatory phonology
(Pontifícia Universidade Católica de São Paulo - PUC-SP, 1999)
The potential factors that are affecting both phonetics recognition and phonological domain of voiced consonant phonemes.
(Machala : Universidad Técnica de Machala., 2015-11-20)
Este artículo presenta y describe los cinco factores que afectan el aprendizaje Inglés de un todo aspectos como siempre y sobre todo afectan a la zona de la pronunciación , la prevención de los estudiantes internalizan los ...
Nivaĉle (shichaam lhavos variety)
(Cambridge University Press, 2019-12)
This article illustrates de phonological inventory of Nivacle (shichaam lhavos variety) with sound files recorded by the author in the field. Besides presenting and discussing the segmental properties found in this regional ...
Phonological Fossilization in Second Semester Modern Languages Students at the University of Quindío
(Universidad del Quindío, Programa de Licenciatura en Lenguas Modernas, 2016-11-28)
The current research aimed mainly at finding the aspects that affect students’
pronunciation as well as the causes of phonological fossilization in modern languages students at
the University of Quindío. This study was ...
Phonetic-phonological adjustments of the fricative phoneme /s/ in ten costarican children from 2 to 4 yearsAjustes fonético-fonológicos del fonema fricativo /s/ en diez niños costarricenses de 2 a 4 años
(Universidad de Costa Rica. Campus Rodrigo Facio. Sitio web: https://www.ucr.ac.cr/ Teléfono: (506) 2511-4000. Correo de soporte: revistas@ucr.ac.cr, 2018)
Phonetic And Phonological Vowel Reduction In Central Catalan
(Cambridge University Press, 2016)
Abordagem terapêutica miofuncional em casos de desvios fonológico, fonético e fonético-fonológico
(Universidade Federal de Santa MariaBRFonoaudiologiaUFSMPrograma de Pós-Graduação em Distúrbios da Comunicação Humana, 2011-03-01)
The theme of this work is the application of myofunctional therapy in cases of phonetic, phonological and phonetic-phonological disorders. The central hypothesis of this study is that the adequacy of the stomatognathic ...