Mostrando ítems 1-10 de 2725
Philosophy and literature in the interwar period: philosophical anthropology of M. Unamuno and H. Hesse
(Universidad del Zulia, 2019)
Idea del Hombre
(Universidad de Belgrano - Fascículos - Carrera de Licenciatura en Relaciones Públicas e Institucionales, 2008)
Se espera que durante el proceso de enseñanza-aprendizaje el alumno logre:
Reflexionar sistemáticamente sobre cuestiones que atañen al ser humano.
Distinguir una gama de discursos en torno a la temática de ...
The relationship between philosophy and neuroscience from dan zahavi's phenomenology of mind
(Springer International Publishing, 2017)
The bridge between psychiatry and neuroscience is not the only one we have to build; it is also necessary to narrow the gap between neuroscience and philosophy. This does not imply reducing the latter to the former or vice ...
Personal identity: the body theory and the personality theory: part 2 [Death]
(Yale University, Open Yale Courses, 2016)
Personal identity: the body theory and the personality theory: part 2 [Death]
(Yale University, Open Yale Courses, 2011)
La objetividad de la historia
We are products of a culture, that is what we think, believe, feel is product sensitivity gradually we developed from our birth based on what we see, hear, perceive in our cultural context. This impossible to completely ...
Repercussões do Programa Institucional de Bolsa de Iniciação à Docência - PIBID - para a Filosofia no ensino médio
(Universidade Federal de Santa MariaBrasilEducaçãoUFSMPrograma de Pós-Graduação em EducaçãoCentro de Educação, 2017-12-18)
The present study analyses the teaching of Philosophy and its relationship with the
PIBID, seeking to comprehend the implications of the Institutional Program of
Scholarship for Teaching Initiation – PIBID in the process ...
Personal identity: what matters?: part 4 [Death]
(Yale University, Open Yale Courses, 2016)
Personal identity: what matters?: part 4 [Death]
(Yale University, Open Yale Courses, 2011)
The Problems of Philosophy - Chapter 1
(Librivox, 2012)