Mostrando ítems 1-10 de 1438
Function vs. structure: The immune system as a case in point
(Vrije Universiteit Brussel, 2017)
On the criticisms against the autopoiesis of social systems
(Vrije Universiteit Brussel, 2015)
The reality of ontologies in Luhmann's work
(Vrije Universiteit Brussel, 2015)
Rehabilitación de la Retórica
(Universidad Andrés Bello (Chile), 2000)
The dialogue between occupational therapy and philosophy around the problem of existence in Heidegger
This paper aims to emphasize the current need for occupational therapy to have a dialogue with philosophy, to highlight the question concerning the human being as occupation. The article argues that occupational therapy ...
Filosofía de la ingeniería: una disciplina profesional en construcciónPhilosophy of engineering: building a professional discipline
(Corporación Universidad de la Costa, 2018)
Arguments connecting social sciences and philosophy
(Inst. fur Klinische Psychologie und Gemeindepsychologie, 2014)
In an interview with Francisco OSORIO, Ian JARVIE talks about social sciences and philosophy in his role as an editor of the journal Philosophy of the Social Sciences. The conversation between JARVIE and OSORIO explores ...
Philosophy as a necessary mediation for the mission of the church: a basic intuition of the theology of Wolfhart Pannenberg
In this article, we analyze in what way philosophy, according to Pannenberg's proposition, has a mediating character for theology which, albeit provisional and incomplete, becomes necessary for the mission of the Church: ...
To what extent can second-order cybernetics be a foundation for psychology?
(Vrije Universiteit Brussel, 2016)