Mostrando ítems 1-10 de 68
Exploring the use of MODIS NDVI-based phenology indicators for classifying forest general habitat categories
The cost effective monitoring of habitats and their biodiversity remains a challenge to date. Earth Observation (EO) has a key role to play in mapping habitat and biodiversity in general, providing tools for the systematic ...
Applying machine learning based on multiscale classifiers to detect remote phenology patterns in Cerrado savanna trees
Plant phenology is one of the most reliable indicators of species responses to global climate change, motivating the development of new technologies for phenological monitoring. Digital cameras or near remote systems have ...
Applying machine learning based on multiscale classifiers to detect remote phenology patterns in Cerrado savanna trees
Plant phenology is one of the most reliable indicators of species responses to global climate change, motivating the development of new technologies for phenological monitoring. Digital cameras or near remote systems have ...
Spatial and temporal patterns of rainfall variability and its relationship with land surface phenology in central east Argentina
(John Wiley & Sons Ltd, 2018-04-19)
Transition zones between dry and humid climates are highly sensitive areas where small changes in the spatial and temporal distribution of rainfall may have vast consequences on vegetation development. Rainfall regimes are ...
The circular nature of recurrent life cycle events: a test comparing tropical and temperate phenology
(Wiley-Blackwell, 2019-09-07)
The high diversity of plant species in the tropics has revealed complex phenological patterns and reproductive strategies occurring throughout the year. Describing and analysing tropical plant phenology, and detecting ...
The circular nature of recurrent life cycle events: a test comparing tropical and temperate phenology
The high diversity of plant species in the tropics has revealed complex phenological patterns and reproductive strategies occurring throughout the year. Describing and analysing tropical plant phenology, and detecting ...