Mostrando ítems 1-10 de 582
Local Bishop–Phelps–Bollobás properties
(Academic Press Inc Elsevier Science, 2018-08)
In this paper we introduce some local versions of Bishop–Phelps–Bollobás type property for operators. That is, the function η which appears in their definitions depends not only on a given ε > 0, but also on either a fixed ...
Método Phelps para disminuir el retraso psicomotor en niños de 3 a 24 meses de edad que acuden al centro de salud tipo C Espoch Lizarzaburu del período octubre 2017 – febrero 2018.
(Universidad Nacional de Chimborazo,2018, 2018)
[Dr. Ralph Phelps at work in the lab]
(The Public Relations Department. Caroni (1975) Limited, Trinidad and Tobago, 2013-08-07)
Dr. Phelps, Head of Department conducting lab work at the Caroni Research Station Lab.
[Dr. Ralph Phelps at work in the lab]
(The Public Relations Department. Caroni (1975) Limited, Trinidad and Tobago, 2013-08-07)
Dr. Phelps, Head of Department looking through a microscope while conducting lab work at the Caroni Research Station Lab.
Hiriart-urruty-phelps-like formula for the subdifferential of integral sums
We provide subdifferential calculus rules for continuous sums parametrized in measurable spaces that use the approximate subdifferentials of the data functions. As in Hiriart-Urruty and Phelps (J. Funct. Anal. 118: 154-166, ...
Análise da contribuição de esgotos sanitários ao Rio Sarapuí de acordo com o prognóstico das bacias de esgotamento da região: aplicação do modelo de streeter-phelpsSewage contribution analysis to the Sarapuí River according to the prognosis of sewage basins in the region: application of the streeter - phelps model
(Universidade Federal do Rio de JaneiroBrasilEscola PolitécnicaUFRJ, 2022)
Poemas del Bestiario del Pintor y del Poeta
(Universidad Veracruzana, 1986)