Mostrando ítems 1-10 de 279
Sensitivity of patient outcomes to pharmacist interventions. Part II: Systematic review and meta-analysis in hypertension management
(Harvey Whitney Books CoCincinnatiEUA, 2007)
Sensitivity of patient outcomes to pharmacist interventions. Part III: Systematic review and meta-analysis in hyperlipidemia management
(Harvey Whitney Books CoCincinnatiEUA, 2008)
Effect of pharmaceutical care on blood pressure control and health-related quality of life in patients with resistant hypertension
(Amer Soc Health-system PharmacistsBethesdaEUA, 2007)
Asma em crianças : intervenções farmacêuticas e percepções sobre a doençaAsthma in children : pharmacist’s interventions and perceptions on disease
(Pós-Graduação em Ciências FarmacêuticasUniversidade Federal de Sergipe, 2020)
Evaluation of drug–drug interaction screening software combined with pharmacist intervention
Background Drug-drug interactions (DDI) in hospitalized patients are highly prevalent and an important source of adverse drug reactions. DI computerized screening system can prevent the occurrence of some of these events. ...
Pharmaceutical care in Brazilian community pharmacies: knowledge and practice
(Academic Journals, 2015)
This study aimed to assess the pharmacist’s knowledge of the concept of pharmaceutical care and verify their practice in relation to this service. It involved a cross-sectional study carried out on community pharmacies in ...
Pharmacist-led interventions in brazil: A scoping review protocolIntervenções farmacêuticas no brasil: Um protocolo de revisão de escopo
Drug-related problems consist an important avoidable risk factor to the hospitalization in the general population. The increase of technologies to promote and recovery health and their use makes the design of services aimed ...