Mostrando ítems 1-10 de 90
Libido enquanto elemento dramatúrgico na Phaedra de Sêneca
(Universidade Federal de Minas GeraisBrasilFALE - FACULDADE DE LETRASPrograma de Pós-Graduação em Estudos LiteráriosUFMG, 2020-08-31)
Dira Libido occurs in Phaedra as a resource that Seneca uses to gather affections and myths in his own way. In addition to nefas, furor and dolor (DUPONT, 1995), libido is also part of the dramatic resources, as it overflows ...
Siste ímpetu: una aproximación al lenguaje de la razón en Phaedra y Medea de Séneca
(Lengua y Habla, 2012)
Phaedra, by Jean Racine: Seventeenth-Century moral and literary creation“Fedra”, de Jean Racine: moral do século XVII e criação literária
(Universidade Federal de Santa Maria, 2014)
Wake-Up Call
(Daily Express, 2006-06)
This article argues that parents and other adults need to make time for their children and to attend the various activities in which their children are engaged. It notes that this is also important for teenagers, since ...
A Tale of Two Cities
(Daily Express, 2005-09)
This article uses two scenarios to illustrate the growing lack of civility and courtesy in Trinidad and Tobago. It suggests that in order to turn things around, it will be necessary to start with the teachers, who must be ...
Arresting Violence and Indiscipline
(Daily Express, 2005-03)
This article examines the trend of increasing indiscipline and violence in the school system of Trinidad and Tobago and the various ways in which this is manifested, including student-student aggression and student-teacher ...
Sarah Kane y el espectáculo del dolor
(Universidad de Chile<br>Facultad de Filosofía y Humanidades<br> Departamento de Literatura, 2006)