Mostrando ítems 1-10 de 388
Latino gentrifi cation and polarization: Socio-spatial transformations in peri-central and peripheral neighborhoods of Santiago, Chile Latino gentrificación y polarización: Transformaciones socioespaciales en barrios pericentrales y periféricos de Santiag
(Revista de Geografia Norte Grande Avda.Vicuna Mackenna 4860 Macul-Santiago, 2014)
© 2014 Revista de Geografia Norte Grande. All rights reserved. Gentrification and segregation are complex and controversial urban phenomena of social and spatial differentiation at global scale. Similar to other Latin ...
Accumulation of Pollutants, Self-purification and Impact on Peripheral Urban Areas: A Case Study in Shantytowns in Argentina
(World Academy of Science, Engineering and Technology, 2015-05)
This work sets out to debate the tensions involved in the processes of contamination and self-purification in the urban space, particularly in the streams that run through the Buenos Aires metropolitan area. For much of ...
A dinâmica espaço territorial dos casos de leishmaniose visceral humana a partir das condições de saneamento básico de alguns bairros em Araguaína Tocantins
(Universidade Federal do TocantinsAraguaínaCURSO::ARAGUAÍNA::PRESENCIAL::LICENCIATURA::GEOGRAFIAAraguaínaGraduação, 2023)
From the house to the neighborhood and from the neighborhood to the city. An analysis of the urban trajectories of young Peruvians in the city of Córdoba, ArgentinaDe la casa al barrio y del barrio a la ciudad. Un análisis de las trayectorias urbanas de jóvenes peruanos en la ciudad de Córdoba, Argentina
(Pontifical Catholic University of Peru, 2022)
La inseguridad como problema público desde un barrio del conurbano bonaerenseInsecurity as a public problem from a neighborhood in the Buenos Aires suburbs
(Universidade de Brasilia. Departamento de Sociologia, 2018-09)
En este artículo, mepropongo analizar cómo la cuestión de la inseguridad ha emergido como problemapúblico desde un barrio periférico de Buenos Aires. Si los análisis académicossuelen destacar la centralidad de los medios ...
Estrategias urbanas para revitalizar los barrios tras la crisis generada por la COVID-19. Caso de estudio parroquia urbana Yanuncay
(Universidad de Cuenca, 2022-10-20)
Urban strategies from the perspective of urban development seek to improve human settlements
based on actions that integrate the economic, social, political and environmental spheres. In this
framework, urban strategies ...
Women's community participation and management of public policies in a popular neighborhood in Rosario (Argentina)
(Medcrave, 2018-03)
In this work we propose to analyze the trajectory of an organization formed by women from a peripheral neighborhood of Rosario?s city (Argentina). From an ethnographic approach we try to account for how in the way of ...