Mostrando ítems 1-10 de 984
Diabetes y su impacto en el territorio periodontal
Diabetes y enfermedad periodontal corresponden probablemente al mejor ejemplo de cómo una enfermedad sistémica puede tener un efecto en el territorio periodontal. Si bien esta asociación ha sido extensamente estudiada, ...
Procedimentos básicos em periodontia: método lógico para estabilizar a doença periodontal avançada
To treat periodontal disease is essential to establish a control in all etiological factors that cause destructive activity in periodontal tissues. Basic periodontal therapy may be applied to eliminate or/and to control ...
Periodontal therapy in a patient with aggressive periodontitisTerapia periodontal en un paciente con periodontitis agresiva
(Facultad de Odontología, 2010)
Current concepts about periodontal disease and relationship with systemic diseases
Periodontal disease may be characterized by clinical symptoms such as gingival bleeding, tooth mobility, pathologic migration of supportive tissues, and loss of chewing ability. In addition, it may be classified as an ...
Probiotics and periodontal disease
During the last decade, new therapies involving the host response modulation in periodontal disease have been tested, and recent studies demonstrate that some probiotics are beneficial to oral health, decreasing the ...
Periodontal disease, its therapy : a challengeEnfermedad periodontal, su terapia: un reto
(Universidad Nacional Mayor de San Marcos, Facultad de Odontología, 2006)
Antimicrobial photodynamic therapy in the treatment of periodontal diseases
The colonization of the tooth surface and epithelial cells in the interior of the gingival sulcus or periodontal pocket by bacterial biofilms is a complex process that occurs even following adequate oral hygiene. The ...
Periodontite Relato Caso
(Universidade Federal de UberlândiaBrasilOdontologia, 2018)