Mostrando ítems 1-10 de 149
Periodontal abscess in a wild Amazon tapir Tapirus terrestrisAbsceso periodontal en un Tapir amazónico salvaje Tapirus terrestris
(USFQ PRESS, departamento editorial de la Universidad San Francisco de Quito USFQ, 2012)
Exophthalmos due to odontogenic intraorbital abscess in Cebus apella
Background: The accumulation of pus in the orbit originating from an infected dental root is classified as odontogenic intraorbital abscess. Methods: Clinical, laboratory, and image evaluation of a non-human primate was ...
Exophthalmos due to odontogenic intraorbital abscess in Cebus apella
Background: The accumulation of pus in the orbit originating from an infected dental root is classified as odontogenic intraorbital abscess. Methods: Clinical, laboratory, and image evaluation of a non-human primate was ...
Brain abscess potentially secondary to periodontal infection resulting in death of a young patient
This study aimed to report a case of a 17-year-old female patient referred to the oral and maxillofacial surgery (OMS) team from Santa Casa de Araçatuba who was unconscious, had a Glasgow coma score of 3, and was diagnosed ...
Periodontite em ovelha da raça Santa Inês
(Universidade Federal do TocantinsAraguaínaCURSO::ARAGUAÍNA::PRESENCIAL::BACHARELADO::MEDICINA VETERINÁRIAAraguaínaGraduação, 2022)
Detection and genetic characterization of β-lactamases in Prevotella intermedia and Prevotella nigrescens isolated from oral cavity infections and peritonsillar abscesses
(Elsevier, 2015-06)
A prospective analysis on β-lactam resistance mechanisms and β-lactamase prevalence was conducted on Prevotella intermedia and Prevotella nigrescens recovered from patients with chronic periodontitis and peritonsillar ...
Endodontic systemic medicationMedicación sistémica en endodoncia
Introduction: Endodontic complications, such as the presence of inflammation, pain, infection and anesthetic difficulties, require rationalization in systemic drug therapy. Objective: To describe the indications, ...
Clustering Behavior in Microbial Communities from Acute Endodontic Infections
(Elsevier Science IncNew YorkEUA, 2012)