Mostrando ítems 1-10 de 178
Conductivity of electronic liquid-crystalline mesophases
(Amer Physical SocCollege PkEUA, 2008)
Phase equilibrium engineering of jojoba oil extraction with mixed-CO2+propane solvent
(Elsevier Science, 2013-07)
Jojoba oil is an important ingredient of many cosmetic and hair care products, which is composed by high-molecular weight monounsaturated esters. It is a liquid wax extracted from the seeds of Jojoba plant (Simmondsia ...
Percolation study for the capillary ascent of a liquid through a granular soil
Abstract. Capillary rise plays a crucial role in the construction of road embankments in flood zones, where hydrophobic compounds are added to the soil to suppress the rising of water and avoid possible damage of the ...
NMR imaging of fluid pathways during drainage of softwood in a pressure membrane chamber
An experiment was implemented to study fluid flow in a pressure media. This procedure successfully combines nuclear magnetic resonance imaging with a pressure membrane chamber in order to visualize the non-wetting and ...
The critical exponent of nuclear fragmentation
(Springer, 2003-12)
Nuclei colliding at energies in the MeV's break into fragments in a process that resembles a liquid-to-gas phase transition of the excited nuclear matter. If this is the case, phase changes occurring near the critical point ...
Avaliação do tratamento do lodo de caminhões limpa-fossa e do percolado em sistemas alagados construídos de escoamento vertical
(Universidade Federal de Minas GeraisUFMG, 2015-03-16)
The study consisted in evaluating the treatment of septic tanks sludge in vertical-flow constructed wetland (VFCW), using a full-scale unit and two columns on a pilot scale. The full-scale units were built according to the ...
Glass Transition Temperature of Saccharide Aqueous Solutions Estimated with the Free Volume/Percolation Model
(American Chemical Society, 2016-05)
The glass transition temperature of trehalose, sucrose, glucose, and fructose aqueous solutions has been predicted as a function of the water content by using the free volume/percolation model (FVPM). This model only ...