Mostrando ítems 1-10 de 25
Use of exhaled air as an improved biomonitoring method to assess perchloroethylene short-term exposure
(Universidade Federal de Minas GeraisBrasilICX - DEPARTAMENTO DE QUÍMICAUFMG, 2017)
Jet electro-absorbers for the treatment of gaseous perchloroethylene wastes
(Elsevier Science Sa, 2020-09)
In this work, a novel jet electro-absorber is presented as an efficient process that combines absorption and electro-oxidation for the treatment of gaseous pollutants. This system, based on the Venturi effect, enhances the ...
Simulation of a Multi-annular Photocatalytic Reactor for Degradation of Perchloroethylene in Air: Parametric Analysis of Radiative Energy Efficiencies
(Elsevier, 2006-12)
A multi-annular photocatalytic reactor was designed, that shows good effectiveness for perchloroethylene (PCE) removal from contaminated air streams. In a previous work, a rigorous physical and mathematical model of the ...
Mass spectrometry/gas chromatography-mass spectrometry approach for rapid screening/quantitative determination of perchloroethylene in air
(ELSEVIER, 2006-01-13)
A new mass spectrometry/gas chromatography-mass spectrometry (MS/GC-MS) approach has been developed for the screening and quantitative determination of perchloroethylene (PERC) in workplace and outdoor air samples, which ...
Perchloroethylene solubilization with a non-ionic tensoactive [Incremento de la solubilizaci�n de percloroetileno con un tensoactivo no ui�nico]
Perchloroethylene (PCE) is one of the most commonly reported chlorinated organic contaminants in groundwater, where it forms a dense phase at the bottom of the aquifer and due to its low solubility is very difficult to ...
Perchloroethylene solubilization with a non-ionic tensoactive [Incremento de la solubilización de percloroetileno con un tensoactivo no uiónico]
Perchloroethylene (PCE) is one of the most commonly reported chlorinated organic contaminants in groundwater, where it forms a dense phase at the bottom of the aquifer and due to its low solubility is very difficult to ...
Occupational exposures and mammographic density in Spanish women
Abstract Objectives The association between occupational exposures and mammographic density (MD), a marker of breast cancer risk, has not been previously explored. Our objective was to investigate the influence of occupational ...
Evaluación del Riesgo por el uso de percloroetileno en el proceso de lavado en seco en una lavandería de la localidad de Suba en la ciudad de Bogotá
(Facultad de Relaciones Internacionales, Estrategia y SeguridadAdministración de la Seguridad y Salud OcupacionalRelaciones Internacionales, Estrategia y Seguridad - Administración de la Seguridad y Salud OcupacionalUniversidad Militar Nueva Granada, 2018-11-22)
Este proyecto consiste en describir y analizar, el riesgo químico al que se exponen los trabajadores durante el proceso de lavado en seco unalavandería porel uso de percloroetileno, hidrocarburo clorado en estado líquido ...