Mostrando ítems 1-10 de 1603
The Intersectoral Cascade: a Case Study on Perceived Conflict in Implementing Child Development Systems
This article presents a case study on perceived conflict and its outcomes on implementing a system of programs and services for child development support. A multi-level collaboration model is used to deeply examine aspects ...
What do I Care? Perceived Ingroup Responsibility and Dehumanization as Predictors of Empathy Felt for the Victim Group
This research examined the effects of reminders of ingroup responsibility for past wrongdoings on perception of ingroup responsibility and victim dehumanization as predictors of empathy. Two experiments set in different ...
A cross-cultural comparison of intragroup conflict in The Netherlands and Brazil
(Emerald Group Publishing Limited, 2011)
Purpose - The purpose of this study is to examine and compare the effects of emotional and task conflict on team performance and member satisfaction in two distinct cultures, Brazil and The Netherlands. Design/methodology/approach ...
Reconciling farming and wild nature: Integrating human–wildlife coexistence into the land-sharing and land-sparing framework
(Springer Netherlands, 2019)
Land has traditionally been spared to protect biodiversity; however, this approach has not succeeded by itself and requires a complementary strategy in human-dominated landscapes: land-sharing. Human–wildlife conflicts are ...
Conflicts with Classmates and Conflict Management Styles in High School StudentsConflictos entre Pares en el Aula y Estilos de Manejo de Conflictos en Estudiantes de Bachillerato
(Facultad de Psicología. Laboratorio de Evaluación Psicológica y Educativa (LEPE), 2017)
Megaprojects, epistemological violence and environmental conflicts in Brazil
(Universidad de Valparaíso, 2018)
Perception Of Socio-environmental Conflicts In Mining Areas: The Case Of The Mirador Project In Ecuador
(Universidade Estadual de Campinas, 2016)
In search of protective factors against burnout: the role of psychological empowerment and perceived team empowerment
(Universidad de Chile, 2015)
The central aim of our study was to broad knowledge on the variables that may help to reduce burnout. To this end, we investigated whether the association between three job demands (i.e. role conflict, emotional demands ...
Aggression, Conflict and Peace ResearchMental health problems, family functioning and social support among children survivors of Colombia’s armed conflict
(Emerald Publishing, 2020)
Purpose - Colombia presents with one of the largest armed conflicts in the world. Children exposed directly or indirectly to armed conflicts live the emotional footprints left by war. This study identified mental health ...