Mostrando ítems 1-10 de 12252
Young people’s expressed needs for comprehensive sexuality education in Ecuadorian schools
This study analyses the expressed sexuality education needs of young people from Azuay, a region of Ecuador characterised by a large proportion of young people whose parents have migrated abroad, a group often considered ...
Examining Complexities in the Education-Work Relationship in Youth Transitions in Argentina
(Springer, 2020-11)
The expansion in secondary and tertiary education participation and the persistent precarity of the labour market inform current debates on young people transitions in Argentina. Against this backdrop, this article examines ...
La matrícula de estudiantes de la educación especial en una universidad pública del BrasilA matrícula de estudantes da educação especial em uma universidade pública do Brasil
The significant increase of the enrollment rate of target-public students from Special Education to Higher Education has been problematized today. This text aims to describe and analyze the contributions of using of an ...
Mapping and analysis of the enrollment of students with disabilities in three Brazilian public universitiesMapeamento e análise da matrícula de estudantes com deficiência em três Universidades públicas brasileiras
The enrollment of students with disabilities in Higher Education is becoming more and more present in the Brazilian reality, however, it is difficult to draw a more realistic picture about the number of these students and ...
Young People’s Autonomy and Psychological Well-Being in the Transition to Adulthood: A Pathway Analysis
Young people transition to adulthood via diverse pathways; among the most significant are those dominated by education, employment, or social disadvantage. These pathways are determined, to a large extent, by the level of ...
Universidade acessível: Com a voz os estudantes surdos do ensino médio
Education system has hindered the access to the school and/or bilingual class by deaf people, offering mainly specialized attendance for students of the Child Education and the earlier years of the Elementary School in the ...
Understanding the brain and the education of adult and young peopleLa comprensión del cerebro y la educación de personas jóvenes y adultas
(Universidad Austral de Chile, Facultad de Filosofía y Humanidades., 2020)