Mostrando ítems 1-10 de 539
Usefulness of the Pediatric Assessment Triangle in an emergency pediatric serviceUtilidad del Triángulo de Evaluación Pediátrica en un Servicio de Emergencia Pediátrica
(Universidad Centroccidental Lisandro Alvarado, 2020)
Fever in children: parents' search for urgent and emergency services
(Abrasco-assoc Brasileira Pos-graduacao & Saude Coletiva, 2021-02-01)
The study analyses the understanding of parents or guardians of children aged zero to five years old about fever, the conduct and care for this condition, carried out in the urgent and emergency service. The qualitative ...
Analysis of pediatric emergencies in the Dominican RepublicAnálisis de las emergencias pediátricas en la República Dominicana
(Intituto Tecnológico de Santo Domingo (INTEC), 2022)
Ações de cuidado da família à criança atendida em pronto-socorro pediátrico a partir do seu universo sociocultural
(Universidade Federal de Santa MariaBREnfermagemUFSMPrograma de Pós-Graduação em Enfermagem, 2013-12-16)
The demand for care in a pediatric emergency department (PS-Ped) sometimes causes an overload in this service which has the purpose of meeting emergency care only. The actions of family care in finding the solution of ...
Satisfação da qualidade de atendimento em um Pronto-Socorro Infantil
(Univ Fed Sao Paulo, Dept Enfermagen, 2017)
Objective: To evaluate the satisfaction index of pediatric patients' companions in relation to the quality of care provided in an emergency service. Methods: Cross-sectional and descriptive study conducted in a Pediatric ...
Peering into a chilean black box: parental storytelling in pediatric genetic counseling.
(Springer, 2013)
While genetic counseling has expanded to multiple international settings, research about providing culturally sensitive services to non-U.S. patients is limited. To gain insights, we utilized a process study to explore ...
Peering into a chilean black box: parental storytelling in pediatric genetic counseling.
(Springer, 2013)
While genetic counseling has expanded to multiple international settings, research about providing culturally sensitive services to non-U.S. patients is limited. To gain insights, we utilized a process study to explore ...
Procedimentos de urgência em odontopediatria: dificuldades do atendimento no serviço de pronto socorro odontológico de UberlândiaEmergency procedures in pediatric dentistry: difficulties in dental care at dental emergency service of Uberlandia
(Universidade Federal de UberlândiaBrasilOdontologia, 2019)
Urinary tract infection in a pediatrics emergency department: frequency and clinical parameters
Urinary tract infection (UTI) is a frequent bacterial infection in children. The objective was to define the profile of children with UTI that consulted in a Chilean pediatric emergency department (PED). We reviewed 18302 ...
Precisión diagnóstica de los Scores Brighton y Coast para la admisión al hospital de emergencias pediátricas en el periodo 2018
(Universidad Peruana de Ciencias Aplicadas (UPC)PE, 2020-09-30)
Objetivo: Identificar las características de nuestra población y la precisión diagnóstica de los scores Brighton y COAST para predecir la admisión hospitalaria en el servicio de Emergencia de un hospital pediátrico ...