Mostrando ítems 1-10 de 345
Pedestrian crossing light violation in Costa Rica: exploring factors affecting mid-block crossing behavior
(Universidad de Costa Rica, 2022)
Pedestrian signalization and the risk of pedestrian-motor vehicle collisions in Lima, Peru
(Elsevier, 2014)
Safe walking environments are essential for protecting pedestrians and promoting physical activity. In Peru, pedestrians comprise over three-quarters of road fatality victims. Pedestrian signalization plays an important ...
Pedestrian crossing behavior, an observational study in the city of Ushuaia, Argentina
(Taylor & Francis, 2018-04)
Objectives: Pedestrian crashes are a critical problem in Latin American countries. However, little research has been published about pedestrians and even less about their behaviors in a naturalistic context. The objective ...
Pedestrian signalization and the risk of pedestrian-motor vehicle collisions in Lima, Peru
(Elsevier, 2014)
Safe walking environments are essential for protecting pedestrians and promoting physical activity. In Peru, pedestrians comprise over three-quarters of road fatality victims. Pedestrian signalization plays an important ...
Motives of disuse of pedestrian bridges in Arequipa [Motivos del desuso de puentes peatonales en Arequipa]
(Scopus, 2012)
Objective: to find out the causes of disuse of pedestrian bridges in Arequipa city. Methods: descriptive study based on a survey gathering data on age, gender level of education, origin and experience of previous accidents. ...
Improving people's accessibility through a fully actuated signal control at intersections with high density of pedestrians
(Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Inc., 2020-09-30)
The fully actuated signal control detects the pedestrian density using sensors and, according to that, it prioritizes pedestrians crossing. One major problem, worldwide, is using fixed time traffic light as a traffic ...
Probability distribution of walking trips and effects of restricting free pedestrian movement on walking distance
(Elsevier, 2015)
This paper presents an analytic framework to measure the spatial segregation caused by reducing or
forbidding the free movement of pedestrians, due to the existence of a highway or other type of transport
facility with ...