Mostrando ítems 1-10 de 133
Legal regulation of payment systems in Ukraine: current situation and the prospects for development
(Universidad del Zulia, 2021)
Concesión de créditos
(Universidad ESAN. ESAN EdicionesPE, 1993-04-30)
The objective of this study is to present a generic methodology to contribute to the improvement of the procedures for deciding to grant credit, and at the same time, to guide potential clients and promote a healthy and ...
El pago ex gratia vs el pago de lo no debido en la legislación ecuatoriana
In the present monograph it is approached two payment types, the payment of the no due grateful as a cuasicontrato in the civil environment and the gratia payment that it is used by habit in the daily chore in the ...
Concesión de créditos
(Universidad ESAN. ESAN EdicionesPE, 1993-04-30)
The objective of this study is to present a generic methodology to contribute to the improvement of the procedures for deciding to grant credit, and at the same time, to guide potential clients and promote a healthy and ...
Barreras de resistencia a la adopción de pagos móviles de la generación X de la ciudad de Chiclayo, 2022
(Universidad Católica Santo Toribio de MogrovejoPE, 2023)
Esta investigación tuvo como objetivo conocer las razones de la resistencia a la adopción de pagos móviles de la generación X de la ciudad de Chiclayo, el cual, se cumplió utilizando la literatura sobre la resistencia a ...
Local Adaptation of Work Practices: The Case of BancoEstado’s “CajaVecina” Correspondent Banking System
(SAGE Publications Inc., 2022-04)
This article contributes to the discussion of everyday domestic finance technologies by looking at CajaVecina, a correspondent banking network coordinated by BancoEstado, a leading Chilean financial institution. Differences ...
Estudo comparativo dos programas de habitação social nas cidades de Franca/Brasil e Praia/Cabo Verde: convergências e discrepâncias
(Universidade Estadual Paulista (UNESP), 2016)