Mostrando ítems 1-10 de 1222
Conceptos básicos sobre el estudio de paternidad
Nowadays, the analysis of genetic markers is a very important and validated tool for the identification of individuals, and for paternity testing. To do so, highly variable regions of the human genome are analyzed, making ...
Microsatellite evidence for sperm storage and multiple paternity in the marine gastropod Crepidula coquimbensis
In gregarious species with copulation and internal fertilization, male-male competition and female cryptic choice may affect reproductive success of both sexes. We carried out a molecular analysis to study paternity and ...
Estudios de parentesco mediante marcadores del ADN: Experiencia en resolución de casos en los últimos seis años
(Sociedad Médica de Santiago, 2008)
Análisis de paternidad utilizando cuatro marcadores de DNA amplificados mediante la reacción en cadena de polimerasa
(Sociedad Médica de Santiago, 1999)
Statistical power to detect multiple paternity in populations of highly fertile species: how many females and how many offspring should be sampled?
One of the central issues of behavioral ecology focuses on the probability of detecting multiple paternity in a scenario of polygamy. The main problem for this kind of analysis arises in species with large number of offspring ...
Mutation rates for 20 STR loci in a population from São Paulo state, Southeast, Brazil
Short tandem repeats (STRs) are genetic markers largely employed in forensic analysis and paternity investigation cases. When an inconsistency between the parent and child is considered as a possible mutation, the mutation ...
Correlates of genetic monogamy in socially monogamous mammals: insights from Azara’s owl monkeys
(The Royal Society, 2014-02)
Understanding the evolution of mating systems, a central topic in evolutionary biology for more than 50 years, requires examining the genetic consequences of mating and the relationships between social systems and mating ...