Mostrando ítems 1-10 de 14066
Design, implementation and evaluation of a participatory ergonomics program among home-based Mapuche weavers
Participatory research and planning in practice
The vision of this book is to provide evidence on how participatory planning and
participatory research can bring about positive social, environmental, or economic
change in the local communities. There are some other ...
Promoting Social Innovation Through Participatory Approaches In Knowledge Management
(Univ La SalleBogota, 2016)
Developing a participatory approach to accessible design
(Information Resources Management Association, 2017-10)
This article describes how accessibility to ICTs is understood as conformity to standards, which usually ends in designs that do not consider the singularities of people. This article delves into a participatory approach ...
Presupuestos participativos (PPs) e instituciones participativas (IPs) en Brasil: criterios (y marco) para la evaluación de experiencias y casos
This paper identifies relevant criteria for evaluation of participatory budgeting and participatory institutions that are currently adopted by governments of both Brazil and elsewhere, highlighting the importance of a ...
Political Parties And Participatory Democracy: Political Status And Associative Profile In Participatory Budgeting Of Brazil
(Asoc Espanola Ciencia Politica & ADM-AECPAMadrid, 2016)
Democracy participatory and participatory budgeting in chile: complement or subordination to the representative local institutions?
Art in the Market: Action Research and Participatory Art
(UFRGS, 2016)