Mostrando ítems 1-10 de 7171
The pareto-stability concept is a natural solution concept for discrete matching markets with indifferences
In a decentralized setting the game-theoretical predictions are that only strong blockings are allowed to rupture the structure of a matching. This paper argues that, under indifferences, also weak blockings should be ...
Um estudo algorítmico para otimização do plano de tratamento da radioterapia conformal
(Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do NorteBRUFRNPrograma de Pós-Graduação em Sistemas e ComputaçãoCiência da Computação, 2006-02-16)
This work performs an algorithmic study of optimization of a conformal radiotherapy plan treatment. Initially we show: an overview about cancer, radiotherapy and the physics of interaction of ionizing radiation with matery. ...
Pareto, Mosca E A Metodologia De Uma Nova Ciência PolíticaPareto, Mosca And The Methodology Of A New Political Science
(Universidade de Brasília. Instituto de Ciência Política, 2016)
Clarke subdifferential, Pareto-Clarke critical points and descent directions to multiobjective optimization on Hadamard manifolds
(SpringerCH, 2021-12-08)
In this paper, we aim to complement our work reported in [20] by showing some further properties and results on Clarke subdifferential, Pareto-Clarke critical points and descent directions on Hadamard manifolds. These tools ...
Improved Shape Parameter Estimation in Pareto Distributed Clutter with Neural Networks
The main problem faced by naval radars is the elimination of the clutter input which is a distortion signal appearing mixed with target reflections. Recently, the Pareto distribution has been related to sea clutter ...
(Departamento de Matemática Aplicada. Facultad de Matemática y Computación. Universidad de La Habana, 2023)
Diagrama de Pareto: verificação da ferramenta de qualidade por patentesPareto Diagram: patent quality tool verification
(Departamento de Engenharia de Produção - Universidade Federal de SergipeDEPRO/UFS, 2020)
Mixed Poisson Process With Pareto Mixing Variable And Its Risk Applications
This paper considers a mixed Poisson process with Pareto mixing variable, Exp-Pareto, and Erlang-Pareto distributions. New important properties of these distributions are derived.Approximations of the random time transformed ...