Mostrando ítems 1-10 de 788
Subsistence patterns during the Holocene in the Interserrana area (Pampean region, Argentina): Evaluating intensification in resource exploitation
(Elsevier Inc, 2014-02)
Intensification is defined as the process by which the total productivity per areal unit of land is increased at the expense of overall decreases in foraging efficiency. The Interserrana area is a large ecosystem of ...
Preliminar correlation of the Pleistocene sequences of the Tarija valley (Bolivia) with the Pampean chronological standard
(Pergamon-Elsevier Science Ltd, 2009-12)
Most of the mammal collections of the Pleistocene from the Tarija valley (Bolivia) lack precise stratigraphic data. Some fossil collections were made under stratigraphic control but have not been described. However, mammals ...
Multi-annual response of a Pampean shallow lake from central Argentina to regional and large-scale climate forcings
(Springer, 2019-06)
The Pampean Plains comprise a flat area of southeastern South America (SESA), encompassing the most populated and productive area of Argentina. Several floods and droughts have been reported in the region during the last ...
Drought risk in argentine pampean region
(CESER Publications, 2011-01)
This paper analyses the drought risk in argentine Pampean region using statistical results of soil water storage. These are calculated by daily soil water balance whose methodology has been tested using values obtained in ...
Aeromagnetic Surveys as a Tool for Regional Geological Mapping: A Review of the Case Study of the Southeastern Pampean Ranges, Argentina
(ARC Publications, 2021-03)
A geological interpretation of the aeromagnetic survey of the southeastern Pampean Ranges of Argentina –referred to as “Sierras Pampeanas Orientales” in Spanish– , whose basement ages range from late Neoproterozoic to early ...
Bipolar flaking as a component of a supraregional lithic resource base: A comparative study of cores from the Pampean and Northcentral Patagonian Atlantic coasts (Argentina)
(University of Edinburgh. School of History, Classics and Archaeology, 2018-12)
Several authors argue that bipolar technology is an expeditious and versatile strategy, efficient for the reduction of small nodules. However, few studies analyze the use of bipolar reduction in relation to the lithic ...
Assessment of toxic metal contamination using a regional lithogenic geochemical background, Pampean area river basin, Argentina
(Elsevier, 2018-06-15)
Contamination assessment in riverbed sediments depends on the accurate determination of the background values. The aim of this study is to assess the degree of contamination and to evaluate the most adequate background for ...
Environmental dynamics and formation processes at the pampean archaeological locality Zanjón Seco, Argentina
(John Wiley & Sons Inc, 2017-11)
Zanjón Seco is an important late Holocene archaeological locality in the Argentine Pampas, producing the oldest traces of pottery in the region as well as significant evidence for ancient hunter-gatherer lifestyles. Despite ...