Mostrando ítems 1-10 de 16
Seismites and paleotsunamis deposits, assessing for paleoseismicity in Peru
(International Union For Quaternary ResearchMX, 2012)
[ENG] Human occupation records in Perú provide historical record of large earthquakes prior to the 20th century. In this study, we extend our knowledge of major events by evaluating the stratigraphy and chronology of ...
Geomorfología, estratigrafía y sedimentología de depósitos de paleotsunamis en Tongoy
(Universidad de Chile, 2022)
La costa de Chile ha sido históricamente afectada por grandes tsunamis provocados por terremotos interplaca, debido a la subducción de la placa de Nazca bajo la Sudamericana. En septiembre de 2015 el terremoto Mw 8.3 con ...
Registro de tsunamis y paleotsunamis en la costa de Taltal, Región de Antofagasta, Chile
(Universidad de Chile, 2018)
Gran parte de la costa de Chile es periódicamente afectada por grandes tsunamis producidos por terremotos en el contacto de subducción de las placas de Nazca y Sudamericana. A pesar de esto los estudios de depósitos de ...
Sedimentological analysis of tsunami deposits along the coast of Peru
(Universitätsverlag GöttingenDE, 2009)
The Peru-Chile-Trench is one of the most active seismic areas in the world (Kulikov et al., 2005). The subduction of the Nasca Plate under the South American Plate causes earthquakes with magnitudes greater than 8 every 5 ...
Evidencia de paleotsunamis durante los últimos ~800 años en sedimentos del fiordo Reloncaví (41° S, 72° W).
(Universidad de Concepción.Facultad de Ciencias Naturales y OceanográficasDepartamento de Oceanografía., 2013)
En el presente estudio se recolectaron cuatro testigos sedimentarios en las estaciones RH-2 (41°44’S, 72°35’W), RH-5B (41°41’S, 72°24’W), RH-6B (41°35’S, 72°20’W) y RH-7B (41°33’S, 72°20’W) en el Fiordo Reloncaví. Se ...
Sedimentological aspects of recent and historical tsunami events along the coast of Peru
(Universitätsverlag GöttingenDE, 2009)
The coast of Peru is greatly endangered by tsunami events. The subduction of the Nasca Plate below the South American Plate triggers strong submarine earthquakes that are capable of causing tsunami. High-energy wave events ...
Historical tsunami deposits in Peru: Sedimentology, inverse modeling and optically stimulated luminescence dating
(ElsevierNL, 2013-08)
The entire coast of Perú was surveyed to document deposits of historical tsunami. Evidence of four tsunami was found. At Puerto Casma, in northern Perú, a graded, heavy mineral-rich layer with shell- and rock fragments was ...
Geo-archaeological records of large Holocene tsunamis along the hyperarid coastal Atacama Desert in the major northern Chile seismic gap
The coastal Atacama Desert is exposed to strong earthquakes and giant tsunamis associated with the subduction of the Nazca plate beneath the South American plate. Nevertheless, historical and geological records of tsunamis ...