Mostrando ítems 1-3 de 3
A Neogene giant landslide in Tarapacá, northern Chile: A signal of instability of the westernmost Altiplano and palaeoseismicity effects
(Elsevier B.V., 2008-12)
Giant landslides, which usually have volumes up to several tens of km3, tend to be related to mountainous
reliefs such as fault scarps or thrust fronts. The western flank of the Precordillera in southern Peru and ...
Paleoseismicity evidence in the region of lima (peru central coast)Evidencias de paleosismicidad en la Región de Lima (Costa del Perú Central)
(Universidad Nacional Mayor de San Marcos, Facultad de Ingeniería Geológica, Minera, Metalúrgica y Geográfica, 2013)
Late Pleistocene-Holocene earthquake-inducedslumps and soft-sediment deformation structures in the Acequion River valley, Central Precordillera, Argentina
(De Gruyter, 2014-07)
Evidence of earthquake-induced liquefaction features in the Acequión river valley, central western Argentina, is analysed. Well-preserved soft-sediment deformation structures are present in Late Pleistocene deposits; they ...